[Evergreen-general] help with Hold Groups presentation

Diane Disbro ddisbro at scenicregional.org
Thu Jan 12 10:13:22 EST 2023

Good morning -

If you use Hold Groups at your library, will you please answer a few
questions about your experience? I will anonymize your responses and use
them in a presentation that I am preparing.

1. How long have you used Hold Groups?
2. How many groups do you have?
3. Do you use author groups, genre groups, both, or something else
4. Are you and your patrons happy with how Hold Groups function?
5. Is there anything you would say to a library considering using Hold

Thank you.
Diane Disbro
Pronouns: she/her
Circulation Coordinator
Scenic Regional Library
251 Union Plaza Drive
Union, MO 63084
(636) 583-0652 ext  110
ddisbro at scenicregional.org
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