[Evergreen-general] Documentation for item status

Benjamin Kalish bkalish at forbeslibrary.org
Thu May 25 12:08:14 EDT 2023

Hi, folks!

I've been unable to find documentation of how item statuses work! Could
someone point me in the right direction?

I know there is a list of item status and instructions for adding new
status at Evergreen docs / System Administration From the Staff Client /
Item Statuses
but it leaves some fundamental questions unanswered:

   - Besides staff editing an item directly, what are the other conditions
   that cause the item status to change, and how do they change?
   - Do all items get reshelving status on check in?
   - When reshelving status expires, what determines the new status?

I'm particularly interested in how items with status custom statuses (we
use In Library Use, Display, and Storage a lot at my library) change on
checkin, but I feel like all of this should be well documented in some easy
to find place.

Benjamin Kalish
Forbes Library / 413-587-1012 / bkalish at forbeslibrary.org

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