[Evergreen-governance-l] Feedback sought from Governance and Communication Committee folks

Lori Bowen Ayre lori.ayre at galecia.com
Wed Dec 15 19:48:15 EST 2010

Hi All,

The Web Team has put out a fair amount of info that we'd really like to get
feedback on (even if its "sweet, carry on!") so we know we can move forward
with some sense of support.

Would you read this message from Kathy and post something on list or you can
reply to me if that's easier with a little sumpin sumpin....it is almost
Christmas afterall!


Here's Kathy's message:

Hi all,

The Evergreen Web Site Planning Team sent a message to this list last month
seeking feedback to strategic goals and requirements for the Evergreen web
site. Based on the input we received, the team has revised the goals and
requirements, and draft 2 is now available for feedback at
ements. Do you have any additions or suggestions for improvement? Please let
us know by sending your feedback to the list.

Also, the team has created user stories to describe tasks that different
types of users in the Evergreen community may wish to perform on the web
site. User stories are a method of creating software requirements for
software applications and in our case, online communities. First, we define
our web site visitors by grouping them into personas based on shared
objectives and characteristics. Once we've identified a user persona, we can
develop "user stories" for the persona. These are sample activities
representing every task that a user from that role may wish to perform -
everything from finding certain inforomation to participating in online

When developing our user personas and user stories, we want to make sure
that we are satisfying all of the requirements that we defined on our
strategic requirements page.

After a comprehensive list of user stories has been developed, we'll work as
a community to refine and prioritize that list as the next stage in our
planning process.

The web team's initial set of user stories is posted at
http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=webteam.visitor_analysis. Are
you represented in this list of potential users? Are there sample activities
we may have overlooked? The Web Team is eagerly seeking additions and
suggestions from as many people in the EG community as possible; please
submit your suggestions to the general mailing list.

Thank you,
Evergreen Web Team

Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 756-0172
(508) 755-3721 (fax)
klussier at masslnc.org
IM: kmlussier (AOL & Yahoo)
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

Lori Bowen Ayre // Library Technology Consultant
The Galecia Group // www.galecia.com
(707) 763-6869 // Lori.Ayre at galecia.com

<Lori.Ayre at galecia.com>Specializing in open source ILS solutions, RFID,
workflow optimization, and materials handling
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