[evergreen-outreach] Proposed Press Release

Andrea Buntz Neiman abneiman at equinoxinitiative.org
Fri Apr 10 09:28:21 EDT 2020

+1 as well

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 6:14 PM <rogan.hamby at gmail.com> wrote:

> +1
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 1:58 PM Gagnon, Ron <gagnon at noblenet.org> wrote:
>> Here is a proposed Evergreen press release for your review.
>> Ron
>> Features in the Evergreen library system software are assisting libraries
>> using Evergreen cope with the evolving service landscape forced by the
>> COVID-19 pandemic.
>> Evergreen’s Emergency Closing Handler enables libraries to quickly and
>> easily shift due dates and hold shelf expiry dates to the next day the
>> library is open and not increment fines while the library is closed.  Settings
>> can be different for different branches and locations in a library system.
>> The Evergreen system can also extend patron expiration dates and hold
>> expiration, presently requiring separate administrator actions, but
>> targeted for adding to the Emergency Closing Handler in a later release.
>> The pandemic has forced the cancellation of the annual Evergreen
>> International Conference in late April, but a virtual conference is being
>> planned in late May to capture the community energy and cooperation that
>> helps to make Evergreen the leading ILS for consortia, used by over 2,000
>> libraries around the world.
>> During the shutdowns, libraries, organizations and individuals that
>> improve and support Evergreen are continuing to do just that, with the next
>> new software release, 3.5, expected in late April.
>> Evergreen is open-source software, available to all to download at no
>> cost from the Evergreen web site at https://evergreen-ils.org/  Evergreen
>> is highly-scalable software that helps patrons find library materials and
>> helps libraries manage, catalog, and circulate those materials, no matter
>> how large or complex the libraries.
>> --
>> Ronald A. Gagnon
>> Executive Director
>> North Of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE)
>> Danvers, Massachusetts  01923
>> 978-777-8844
>> www.noblenet.org
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Andrea Buntz Neiman
Project Manager for Software Development
Equinox Open Library Initiative
abneiman at equinoxinitiative.org
1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457) x5583
*www.equinoxinitiative.org <http://www.equinoxinitiative.org>*
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