[evergreen-outreach] 2020 Evergreen International Online Conference

Gagnon, Ron gagnon at noblenet.org
Fri Jun 5 12:31:10 EDT 2020

Andrea and all,
I've been asked if it would be possible to provide the descriptions for the
programs that were included in the materials for the in-person program.
Some of the program titles are difficult for especially newbies to


On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 12:16 PM Andrea Buntz Neiman <
abneiman at equinoxinitiative.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> Apologies for the second email, but I want to remind you that Zoom
> recently updated to version 5 - so please make sure you are running the
> most recent version, or you might have difficulty accessing sessions.
> Thank you,
> Andrea
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 3:45 PM Andrea Buntz Neiman <
> abneiman at equinoxinitiative.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Thank you for registering for the 2020 Evergreen International Online
>> Conference!
>> The conference will be hosted on Zoom. If you don’t already have Zoom on
>> your device, please download the appropriate client at
>> https://zoom.us/download. Some sessions will be in meeting mode and some
>> sessions will be in webinar mode.
>> More information about participating in Zoom webinar is located at this
>> link:
>> https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115004954946-Joining-and-participating-in-a-webinar-attendee-
>> More information about participating in a Zoom meeting is located at this
>> link:
>> https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/200941109-Attendee-controls-in-a-meeting
>> The conference will take place June 9-11 and the schedule can be seen on
>> the community webpage:
>> https://evergreen-ils.org/conference/2020-evergreen-international-online-conference/2020schedule/
>> Each morning, you will get an email with links for that day’s Zoom
>> sessions. Each track will have its own session. *Please note that
>> seating is limited and first come/first serve, so it is possible that not
>> everyone will be able to attend the sessions live.* However, all
>> sessions will be recorded and captioned and will be posted on the Evergreen
>> YouTube page after the Conference.
>> Since this is an official event of the Evergreen Community, the Code of
>> Conduct is in effect: https://evergreen-ils.org/code-of-conduct/
>> Hosts will be monitoring for bad actors and will not hesitate to kick
>> people out of sessions if warranted.
>> If you need to contact the organizers to report a Conduct violation or
>> other issue, please use this form:
>> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7pLlkrjstGaZ-2kyTK1qBt8SqrRGcROXCJaRxL68YoQQbPA/viewform?usp=sf_link
>> Form entries will be reviewed nightly.
>> If you need a responder right away, please see the responder list here:
>> https://evergreen-ils.org/code-of-conduct/coc_responders/
>> We regret that we are not able to provide individual tech support or
>> troubleshooting with the Zoom sessions.
>> On a lighter note, there will be a BYOB Happy Hour Wednesday night at
>> 5:15pm Eastern - the link for that will be sent out Wednesday morning.
>> Consider joining in! There will be breakout rooms hosted by community
>> volunteers.
>> Thank you to our sponsors Bibliomation, Equinox Open Library Initiative,
>> Evergreen Indiana, MOBIUS, and NC Cardinal.
>> Best,
>> Andrea Buntz Neiman
>> On behalf of the Evergreen Outreach Committee
>> --
>> Andrea Buntz Neiman
>> Project Manager for Software Development
>> Equinox Open Library Initiative
>> abneiman at equinoxinitiative.org
>> 1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457) x5583
>> *www.equinoxinitiative.org <http://www.equinoxinitiative.org>*
> --
> Andrea Buntz Neiman
> Project Manager for Software Development
> Equinox Open Library Initiative
> abneiman at equinoxinitiative.org
> 1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457) x5583
> *www.equinoxinitiative.org <http://www.equinoxinitiative.org>*

Ronald A. Gagnon
Executive Director
North Of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE)
Danvers, Massachusetts  01923
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