[evergreen-outreach] Hatch Video

rogan.hamby at gmail.com rogan.hamby at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 12:37:51 EST 2021

I just did another viewing of it and +1 from me.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 11:17 AM Gina Monti <gmonti at biblio.org> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I wanted to get some thoughts on the previous video I sent.  If that's all
> fine, I'll edit this for upload and will do a similar one for Firefox.
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 2:01 PM Gina Monti <gmonti at biblio.org> wrote:
>> Jason,
>> I actually was able to get it to pre-install so I tried it out a couple
>> of times after and it's kind of hit or miss.  I addressed both methods in
>> this next draft.
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FiyHaSvYLc2cw_pQtu2_As6u37RI9CCN/view?usp=sharing
>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 10:42 AM Gina Monti <gmonti at biblio.org> wrote:
>>> I wouldn't be surprised with the recent Chrome update.  I know certain
>>> libraries were reporting issues printing after the fact.
>>> I could mention restarting then showing the manual extension
>>> installation if it doesn't work.  I'll also reshoot it without saving the
>>> settings to local Hatch storage.
>>> Thank you for your comments, Jason!
>>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2020, 10:37 AM Jason Boyer <jboyer at equinoxinitiative.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Shoot. Ok, I’ll look into that to see if something changed. Could be
>>>> Windows 10, could be Chrome, etc.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Jason
>>>> --
>>>> Jason Boyer
>>>> Senior System Administrator
>>>> Equinox Open Library Initiative
>>>> phone:  +1 (877) Open-ILS (673-6457)
>>>> email:  JBoyer at EquinoxInitiative.org <JBoyer at EquinoxInitiative.org>
>>>> web:  https://EquinoxInitiative.org/
>>>> On Dec 17, 2020, at 10:32 AM, Gina Monti <gmonti at biblio.org> wrote:
>>>> I tried the pre-installation process you suggested and I couldn't get
>>>> the extension to show up in my browser.  I don't know if anyone else has
>>>> this same issue.
>>>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 2:03 PM Jason Boyer <
>>>> jboyer at equinoxinitiative.org> wrote:
>>>>> One thing that you might consider for the Chrome video (because this
>>>>> doesn’t apply to FF and can’t for the foreseeable future) is that the Hatch
>>>>> Installer downloaded from evergreen-ils.org will try to pre-install
>>>>> the Chrome extension so you should be able to just download and run that
>>>>> installer, (possibly) restart Chrome, and go.
>>>>> If you don’t want to have that much variance between the videos though
>>>>> that’s understandable.
>>>>> Also, re: storing settings in Hatch, I would suggest saying explicitly
>>>>> not to do it. It’s already deprecated and db-based settings have completely
>>>>> replaced it with a more reliable mechanism so if it hasn’t been enabled in
>>>>> the past it should not be. If you wanted to go over how to disable it
>>>>> that’s just clicking the “Copy Hatch Settings to Local Storage” button and
>>>>> then un-checking the Store Local Settings in Hatch box.
>>>>> Watching you explain the various pieces makes me wonder if we might
>>>>> have made a mistake by not giving one of the two aspects a different name.
>>>>> Jason
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jason Boyer
>>>>> Senior System Administrator
>>>>> Equinox Open Library Initiative
>>>>> phone:  +1 (877) Open-ILS (673-6457)
>>>>> email:  JBoyer at EquinoxInitiative.org <JBoyer at EquinoxInitiative.org>
>>>>> web:  https://EquinoxInitiative.org/ <https://equinoxinitiative.org/>
>>>>> On Dec 14, 2020, at 3:20 PM, Gina Monti <gmonti at biblio.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>>> Here's a draft of what I have for Chrome.  Let me know what needs
>>>>> fixing/suggestions and I'll reshoot.  It does come off a little loud so you
>>>>> may want to turn your volume down.  That'll get fixed in the final product.
>>>>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bvaSLkw_5IRnFKPFr1QeOPUnhARKOR7R/view?usp=sharing
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 1:33 PM Gina Monti <gmonti at biblio.org> wrote:
>>>>>> I used a headset.  I think what I'll do is try another recorder to
>>>>>> make sure the issue isn't the one screen recorder I have auto-selecting my
>>>>>> internal microphone on my computer.
>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 1:09 PM <rogan.hamby at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I think that all sounds good.  In regards to your microphone, is
>>>>>>> this a built in mic on a setup or an external mic?
>>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 1:10 PM Gina Monti <gmonti at biblio.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Greetings Everyone,
>>>>>>>> I'm working on the Hatch video and filmed a very rough draft but
>>>>>>>> I'm having issues with my microphone coming out echo-y so I'm working on
>>>>>>>> fixing that if possible.
>>>>>>>> What I have in terms of the procedure for the Chrome version is
>>>>>>>> this:
>>>>>>>> 1) Downloading the 0.3.2 Hatch version via the Evergreen website.
>>>>>>>> 2) Adding the extension on Chrome Web Store.
>>>>>>>> 3) Implementing Hatch with "Print/Storage Services with Hatch"
>>>>>>>> 4) Mentioned to go to Print Settings and Templates for management
>>>>>>>> and Hatch saving those locally to the browser
>>>>>>>> In addition, I showed where extensions are managed towards the
>>>>>>>> beginning during the intro.  What else needs to be added to this?  I know I
>>>>>>>> asked about showing a print job example, but I don't have a printer with me
>>>>>>>> so I'm unsure how effective/necessary that is.
>>>>>>>> If anything needs to be added to this, let me know.
>>>>>>>> Otherwise, if I can't solve the issue with my microphone, what
>>>>>>>> would be advisable in terms of audio besides purchasing new equipment
>>>>>>>> entirely?
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 2:02 PM Jason Boyer <
>>>>>>>> jboyer at equinoxinitiative.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> > Besides anything else you think should be added, I want to know
>>>>>>>>> how I should approach the "save local settings in hatch" bit because I know
>>>>>>>>> libraries report issues like white screens.
>>>>>>>>> It should be approached as if it were a wild animal, eager to chew
>>>>>>>>> on fingers. :-) That feature is already deprecated and will be completely
>>>>>>>>> removed soon (probably in 3.7).
>>>>>>>>> Something that might not be immediately obvious but is *very* nice
>>>>>>>>> about the latest version of Hatch when used with Evergreen 3.4+ is that
>>>>>>>>> Hatch will always store the workstation registration(s) locally so you’re
>>>>>>>>> able to totally wipe your browser’s history without having to re-register
>>>>>>>>> all of the workstations. That feature might drive adoption almost as much
>>>>>>>>> as printing at some locations.
>>>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Jason Boyer
>>>>>>>>> Senior System Administrator
>>>>>>>>> Equinox Open Library Initiative
>>>>>>>>> phone:  +1 (877) Open-ILS (673-6457)
>>>>>>>>> email:  JBoyer at EquinoxInitiative.org
>>>>>>>>> <JBoyer at EquinoxInitiative.org>
>>>>>>>>> web:  https://EquinoxInitiative.org/
>>>>>>>>> <https://equinoxinitiative.org/>
>>>>>>>>> > On Dec 3, 2020, at 11:25 AM, Gina Monti <gmonti at biblio.org>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Hello Everyone,
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Thank you for the opportunity to work on this project.  I wanted
>>>>>>>>> to ask for some guidance on the requirements of what should be shown in the
>>>>>>>>> video.  What I have so far is:
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > -Locating the browser extension
>>>>>>>>> > -Downloading the raw program and installing
>>>>>>>>> > -Activating through Evergreen
>>>>>>>>> > -Showing an example of saving a print template through Hatch and
>>>>>>>>> executing an example of a printout
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > I will be showing this on our 3.5 test system and download the
>>>>>>>>> latest 0.3.2 version.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Besides anything else you think should be added, I want to know
>>>>>>>>> how I should approach the "save local settings in hatch" bit because I know
>>>>>>>>> libraries report issues like white screens.  For now I'm just going to
>>>>>>>>> check off "Use Hatch for Printing" under Hatch settings and put a blurb
>>>>>>>>> advising against the other checkboxes.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Thanks for your time and collaboration!
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > --
>>>>>>>>> > Gina Monti
>>>>>>>>> > Evergreen Systems Specialist
>>>>>>>>> > Bibliomation, Inc.
>>>>>>>>> > (203) 577-4070 ext. 109
>>>>>>>>> > _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> > evergreen-outreach mailing list
>>>>>>>>> > evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> http://list.evergreen-ils.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/evergreen-outreach
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Gina Monti
>>>>>>>> Evergreen Systems Specialist
>>>>>>>> Bibliomation, Inc.
>>>>>>>> (203) 577-4070 ext. 109
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> evergreen-outreach mailing list
>>>>>>>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org
>>>>>>>> http://list.evergreen-ils.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/evergreen-outreach
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Gina Monti
>>>>>> Evergreen Systems Specialist
>>>>>> Bibliomation, Inc.
>>>>>> (203) 577-4070 ext. 109
>>>>> --
>>>>> Gina Monti
>>>>> Evergreen Systems Specialist
>>>>> Bibliomation, Inc.
>>>>> (203) 577-4070 ext. 109
>>>> --
>>>> Gina Monti
>>>> Evergreen Systems Specialist
>>>> Bibliomation, Inc.
>>>> (203) 577-4070 ext. 109
>> --
>> Gina Monti
>> Evergreen Systems Specialist
>> Bibliomation, Inc.
>> (203) 577-4070 ext. 109
> --
> Gina Monti
> Evergreen Systems Specialist
> Bibliomation, Inc.
> (203) 577-4070 ext. 109
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