[evergreen-outreach] annual report draft

Rogan Hamby rogan.hamby at equinoxoli.org
Mon Apr 1 19:22:19 EDT 2024

Feedback incorporated except for the acronym conventions, but not ignored.
My rule of thumb is this:

Use acronym and name where space allows. If space does not allow both use
full name. If spaces does not allow full name use only acronym. I'll check
again towards the end to see if i'm being consistent with that but it is
indeed a compromise with layout.

Fixes for hair are now available in exchange for cookies ....

On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 9:20 AM Lussier, Kathy <klussier at noblenet.org>

> OK, here come my initial nitpicky copy edits.
>    - In Ruth's article, I think we need to add a word in this sentence,
>    "To all of you *who* participated..."
>    - Hack-a-way (Hackaway?) should be consistent in the report. In the
>    title for the hack-a-way article, it uses hyphens. In Ruth's article and in
>    the body of the hack-a-way article, it's one word without hyphens. I
>    believe the community convention has been to use hyphens.
>    - Under our mission, easy-to-use should be hyphenated because it's
>    being used as an adjective.
>    - Westchester is spelled incorrectly in the 3.11 section.
>    - We don't seem to have a consistent way of dealing with the acronyms
>    for organizations. In some cases (CW MARS, PINES, ECDI), just the acronym
>    is used. In other cases, we use the full name with the acronym followed by
>    parentheses. For PaILS, we use the full name without an acronym. I don't
>    think we need to make it consistent across the board as it also may affect
>    spacing issues, but maybe we can have consistency for each organization. In
>    the 3.11 and 3.12  sections, NOBLE and KCLS are handled differently for
>    each release. I'm okay with NOBLE just being the acronym without the full
>    organization name (I think this will be easier to fix). Perhaps KCLS could
>    be King County Library System in both places?
>    - My hair is mussed in one of the photos. Can you fix that? Also, I
>    appear to be the color of Violet Beauregarde in another photo, but I'm okay
>    with that since purple is my favorite color.
> Also, the correction that I'm not making is the name for development
> meetings. For years, it had been called developer meetings, and I thought
> it needed to be corrected. But it looks like Galen updated the name to
> development back in 2017 to be more inclusive (gmcharlt++). Developer
> meeting is still used in many places in the community. Would somebody be
> willing to update the calendar to development meeting? I'll take a stab at
> updating wiki pages that refer to the meeting.
> As usual, it looks great!
> Kathy
> --
> Kathy Lussier
> she/her
> Executive Director
> NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange
> Danvers, MA
> 978-777-8844 x201
> www.noblenet.org
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 8:38 PM Rogan Hamby via evergreen-outreach <
> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>> Okay, this is as far as I'm getting tonight.  Highlights:
>> New seeds has more stuff thanks to Ruth gathering info.
>> Also thanks to Ruth the Hack-A-Way page has text but still needs all the
>> laying out of things done.
>> Interest groups page has information for UI group, board members added, a
>> graphic to avoid strange white space and a title.
>> Committing pages has new core committers listed (pics good idea?) and
>> text on facing page.
>> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/66w99x199lwe8w25918hh/Annual-Report-2023-2024-03-26-Draft.pdf?rlkey=hgjdp8u918v41mi33zd9o85am&dl=0
>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 7:11 PM Rogan Hamby via evergreen-outreach <
>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>>> I prefer the colorful versions over greenscale. I think you sent me new
>>> versions, looking for the.  I'm adding a box with the new core committers.
>>> How do we feel about small photos of them on the page?
>>> Wording change made.
>>> Words added.
>>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 4:21 PM Andrea Buntz Neiman <
>>> abneiman at equinoxoli.org> wrote:
>>>> More feedback:
>>>> -- for Committing / Code pages, there are "greenscale" versions of the
>>>> images if those are preferred
>>>> -- words here for commit page (maybe to go with the new authors
>>>> graphic?):
>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/14zMlE-WI0jpCyNbhQveCl2rwsydhGnS_j11PULrVR-8/edit?disco=AAABHij8HO4
>>>> -- for release 3.11, please change "single class search suggestions" to
>>>> "multi word search suggestions"
>>>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 10:03 AM Andrea Buntz Neiman <
>>>> abneiman at equinoxoli.org> wrote:
>>>>> I will give you some more content for committing and see if I can fix
>>>>> that svg.
>>>>> My feedback on the release pages is that the font kerning looks off to
>>>>> me?
>>>>> ABN
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 8:52 AM Rogan Hamby via evergreen-outreach <
>>>>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Excellent!
>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 8:41 AM Frasur, Ruth via evergreen-outreach <
>>>>>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> I have a pretty good list of new seeds that I’m hoping to compile in
>>>>>>> the next two days.
>>>>>>> Ruth Frasur Davis (she/they)
>>>>>>> Coordinator
>>>>>>> *Evergreen Indiana Library Consortium*
>>>>>>> *Evergreen Community Development Initiative*
>>>>>>> Indiana State Library
>>>>>>> 140 N. Senate Ave.
>>>>>>> Indianapolis, IN 46204
>>>>>>> (317) 232-3691
>>>>>>> *From:* evergreen-outreach <
>>>>>>> evergreen-outreach-bounces at list.evergreen-ils.org> *On Behalf Of *Rogan
>>>>>>> Hamby via evergreen-outreach
>>>>>>> *Sent:* Sunday, March 24, 2024 8:59 PM
>>>>>>> *To:* Evergreen Outreach Committee <
>>>>>>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org>
>>>>>>> *Subject:* [evergreen-outreach] annual report draft
>>>>>>> **** This is an EXTERNAL email. Exercise caution. DO NOT open
>>>>>>> attachments or click links from unknown senders or unexpected email. ****
>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>> Here is the promised updated draft of the annual report.  Below is a
>>>>>>> page by page break down of where we are;
>>>>>>> Cover, Mission Page, Board President's Letter - Complete and ready
>>>>>>> for feedback.
>>>>>>> New Seeds - A message went out from Ruth asking for libraries to
>>>>>>> tell us about their additions. We can add those fairly late so I'm not
>>>>>>> worried about it. The ones I have personal knowledge of are already added.
>>>>>>> Interest Groups pages - We need to add the Bibframe and
>>>>>>> Accessibility groups.  Any remaining space may be taken by a very small
>>>>>>> feature or graphic. I looked for info on the web site and it looks like it
>>>>>>> needs the Bibframe group added and Accessibility updated and perhaps
>>>>>>> renamed.
>>>>>>> Conference Page - ready for feedback
>>>>>>> Hack-A-Way - awaiting text so I can do layout
>>>>>>> Committing Code and Docs - we need a bit more content here so put
>>>>>>> thinking caps on. Also,something happened with the SVG for one of the
>>>>>>> graphics so we need to deal with that.
>>>>>>> Release pages are done and ready for feedback.
>>>>>>> The Evergreen After Hours page is ready for feedback.
>>>>>>> The credits page and back cover are complete and ready for feedback.
>>>>>>> I will produce another draft by next weekend.  It will have at a
>>>>>>> minimum:
>>>>>>> · A draft page with graphics for Hack-A-Way.  I believe Ruth
>>>>>>> volunteered to provide the text, is that correct Ruth?
>>>>>>> · A further edited version of the interest group pages.
>>>>>>> · Adjusted Committing pages.
>>>>>>> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zc9xc818khayhjah39a44/Annual-Report-2023-2024-03-24-Draft.pdf?rlkey=wo69s52n2qoayao07wv8rphob&dl=0
>>>>>>> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=31323334-50bba2bf-31367a34-4544474f5631-43f73e2e362a76c7&q=1&e=3a08f502-2ff6-493a-a793-deba8df7a0fe&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fscl%2Ffi%2Fzc9xc818khayhjah39a44%2FAnnual-Report-2023-2024-03-24-Draft.pdf%3Frlkey%3Dwo69s52n2qoayao07wv8rphob%26dl%3D0>
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Andrea Buntz Neiman, MLS
>>>>> Project Manager for Software Development | Product Specialist
>>>>> Equinox Open Library Initiative
>>>>> abneiman at equinoxOLI.org <abneiman at equinoxoli.org>
>>>>> 1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
>>>>> Direct: 770-709-5583
>>>>> *https://www.equinoxOLI.org/ <https://www.equinoxOLI.org/>*
>>>> --
>>>> Andrea Buntz Neiman, MLS
>>>> Project Manager for Software Development | Product Specialist
>>>> Equinox Open Library Initiative
>>>> abneiman at equinoxOLI.org <abneiman at equinoxoli.org>
>>>> 1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
>>>> Direct: 770-709-5583
>>>> *https://www.equinoxOLI.org/ <https://www.equinoxOLI.org/>*
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> evergreen-outreach mailing list
>>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org
>>> http://list.evergreen-ils.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/evergreen-outreach
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>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org
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