[evergreen-outreach] annual report draft

Deborah Luchenbill deborah at mobiusconsortium.org
Tue Apr 2 10:17:37 EDT 2024

This looks awesome! Great job!

I have a few nitpicky punctuation suggestions, though some may just be
personal preferences or differing opinions on something being an adjective
or a noun...

In the "Our Mission" section:
1. While either way is acceptable, we hyphenate open-source everywhere
else, so we probably should here also, for consistency
2. Same paragraph, hyphenate back-end
3. Next paragraph, hyphenate stand-alone
4. Third paragraph, I'm a proponent of the Oxford comma ;-) (Also, we use
it elsewhere.)

In Ruth's section:
There should be commas around "hosted by CW Mars and the Worcester Public
Library" (also the MARS should be all-caps)

In the Release Trees section:
1. I'm not a fan of using the "th" or whatever after dates when also using
the year...so, for instance, May 30th or May 30, 2023, but not May 30th,
2. Hyphenate Multi-Word in "Multi Word Search Suggestions"

That's all I have! :-)


Debbie Luchenbill
Associate Director, Open Source Initiatives
2511 Broadway Bluffs, Ste. 101
Columbia, MO  65201
debbie at mobiusconsortium.org <deborah at mobiusconsortium.org>
https://mobiusconsortium.org <http://mobiusconsortium.org>
MOSS Help Desk: help at mobiusconsortium.org / 877-312-3517
Pronouns: She/Her or She/They (see https://pronouns.org/ to learn more)
Input | Maximizer | Intellection | Relator | Adaptability

On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 7:51 PM Rogan Hamby via evergreen-outreach <
evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:

> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9t6sit1adlzadlf8wgvwg/Annual-Report-2023-Draft-2024-04-01.pdf?rlkey=ckokdwcyhz0edctf4f3jorp6e&dl=0
> Many small changes but everything is ready for feedback now.  The content
> is there now so it's polishing now.
> On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 7:22 PM Rogan Hamby <rogan.hamby at equinoxoli.org>
> wrote:
>> Feedback incorporated except for the acronym conventions, but not
>> ignored. My rule of thumb is this:
>> Use acronym and name where space allows. If space does not allow both use
>> full name. If spaces does not allow full name use only acronym. I'll check
>> again towards the end to see if i'm being consistent with that but it is
>> indeed a compromise with layout.
>> Fixes for hair are now available in exchange for cookies ....
>> On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 9:20 AM Lussier, Kathy <klussier at noblenet.org>
>> wrote:
>>> OK, here come my initial nitpicky copy edits.
>>>    - In Ruth's article, I think we need to add a word in this sentence,
>>>    "To all of you *who* participated..."
>>>    - Hack-a-way (Hackaway?) should be consistent in the report. In the
>>>    title for the hack-a-way article, it uses hyphens. In Ruth's article and in
>>>    the body of the hack-a-way article, it's one word without hyphens. I
>>>    believe the community convention has been to use hyphens.
>>>    - Under our mission, easy-to-use should be hyphenated because it's
>>>    being used as an adjective.
>>>    - Westchester is spelled incorrectly in the 3.11 section.
>>>    - We don't seem to have a consistent way of dealing with the
>>>    acronyms for organizations. In some cases (CW MARS, PINES, ECDI), just the
>>>    acronym is used. In other cases, we use the full name with the acronym
>>>    followed by parentheses. For PaILS, we use the full name without an
>>>    acronym. I don't think we need to make it consistent across the board as it
>>>    also may affect spacing issues, but maybe we can have consistency for each
>>>    organization. In the 3.11 and 3.12  sections, NOBLE and KCLS are handled
>>>    differently for each release. I'm okay with NOBLE just being the acronym
>>>    without the full organization name (I think this will be easier to fix).
>>>    Perhaps KCLS could be King County Library System in both places?
>>>    - My hair is mussed in one of the photos. Can you fix that? Also, I
>>>    appear to be the color of Violet Beauregarde in another photo, but I'm okay
>>>    with that since purple is my favorite color.
>>> Also, the correction that I'm not making is the name for development
>>> meetings. For years, it had been called developer meetings, and I thought
>>> it needed to be corrected. But it looks like Galen updated the name to
>>> development back in 2017 to be more inclusive (gmcharlt++). Developer
>>> meeting is still used in many places in the community. Would somebody be
>>> willing to update the calendar to development meeting? I'll take a stab at
>>> updating wiki pages that refer to the meeting.
>>> As usual, it looks great!
>>> Kathy
>>> --
>>> Kathy Lussier
>>> she/her
>>> Executive Director
>>> NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange
>>> Danvers, MA
>>> 978-777-8844 x201
>>> www.noblenet.org
>>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 8:38 PM Rogan Hamby via evergreen-outreach <
>>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>>>> Okay, this is as far as I'm getting tonight.  Highlights:
>>>> New seeds has more stuff thanks to Ruth gathering info.
>>>> Also thanks to Ruth the Hack-A-Way page has text but still needs all
>>>> the laying out of things done.
>>>> Interest groups page has information for UI group, board members added,
>>>> a graphic to avoid strange white space and a title.
>>>> Committing pages has new core committers listed (pics good idea?) and
>>>> text on facing page.
>>>> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/66w99x199lwe8w25918hh/Annual-Report-2023-2024-03-26-Draft.pdf?rlkey=hgjdp8u918v41mi33zd9o85am&dl=0
>>>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 7:11 PM Rogan Hamby via evergreen-outreach <
>>>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>>>>> I prefer the colorful versions over greenscale. I think you sent me
>>>>> new versions, looking for the.  I'm adding a box with the new core
>>>>> committers. How do we feel about small photos of them on the page?
>>>>> Wording change made.
>>>>> Words added.
>>>>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 4:21 PM Andrea Buntz Neiman <
>>>>> abneiman at equinoxoli.org> wrote:
>>>>>> More feedback:
>>>>>> -- for Committing / Code pages, there are "greenscale" versions of
>>>>>> the images if those are preferred
>>>>>> -- words here for commit page (maybe to go with the new authors
>>>>>> graphic?):
>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/14zMlE-WI0jpCyNbhQveCl2rwsydhGnS_j11PULrVR-8/edit?disco=AAABHij8HO4
>>>>>> -- for release 3.11, please change "single class search suggestions"
>>>>>> to "multi word search suggestions"
>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 10:03 AM Andrea Buntz Neiman <
>>>>>> abneiman at equinoxoli.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> I will give you some more content for committing and see if I can
>>>>>>> fix that svg.
>>>>>>> My feedback on the release pages is that the font kerning looks off
>>>>>>> to me?
>>>>>>> ABN
>>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 8:52 AM Rogan Hamby via evergreen-outreach <
>>>>>>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Excellent!
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 8:41 AM Frasur, Ruth via evergreen-outreach
>>>>>>>> <evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I have a pretty good list of new seeds that I’m hoping to compile
>>>>>>>>> in the next two days.
>>>>>>>>> Ruth Frasur Davis (she/they)
>>>>>>>>> Coordinator
>>>>>>>>> *Evergreen Indiana Library Consortium*
>>>>>>>>> *Evergreen Community Development Initiative*
>>>>>>>>> Indiana State Library
>>>>>>>>> 140 N. Senate Ave.
>>>>>>>>> Indianapolis, IN 46204
>>>>>>>>> (317) 232-3691
>>>>>>>>> *From:* evergreen-outreach <
>>>>>>>>> evergreen-outreach-bounces at list.evergreen-ils.org> *On Behalf Of *Rogan
>>>>>>>>> Hamby via evergreen-outreach
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Sunday, March 24, 2024 8:59 PM
>>>>>>>>> *To:* Evergreen Outreach Committee <
>>>>>>>>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org>
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* [evergreen-outreach] annual report draft
>>>>>>>>> **** This is an EXTERNAL email. Exercise caution. DO NOT open
>>>>>>>>> attachments or click links from unknown senders or unexpected email. ****
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Here is the promised updated draft of the annual report.  Below is
>>>>>>>>> a page by page break down of where we are;
>>>>>>>>> Cover, Mission Page, Board President's Letter - Complete and ready
>>>>>>>>> for feedback.
>>>>>>>>> New Seeds - A message went out from Ruth asking for libraries to
>>>>>>>>> tell us about their additions. We can add those fairly late so I'm not
>>>>>>>>> worried about it. The ones I have personal knowledge of are already added.
>>>>>>>>> Interest Groups pages - We need to add the Bibframe and
>>>>>>>>> Accessibility groups.  Any remaining space may be taken by a very small
>>>>>>>>> feature or graphic. I looked for info on the web site and it looks like it
>>>>>>>>> needs the Bibframe group added and Accessibility updated and perhaps
>>>>>>>>> renamed.
>>>>>>>>> Conference Page - ready for feedback
>>>>>>>>> Hack-A-Way - awaiting text so I can do layout
>>>>>>>>> Committing Code and Docs - we need a bit more content here so put
>>>>>>>>> thinking caps on. Also,something happened with the SVG for one of the
>>>>>>>>> graphics so we need to deal with that.
>>>>>>>>> Release pages are done and ready for feedback.
>>>>>>>>> The Evergreen After Hours page is ready for feedback.
>>>>>>>>> The credits page and back cover are complete and ready for
>>>>>>>>> feedback.
>>>>>>>>> I will produce another draft by next weekend.  It will have at a
>>>>>>>>> minimum:
>>>>>>>>> · A draft page with graphics for Hack-A-Way.  I believe Ruth
>>>>>>>>> volunteered to provide the text, is that correct Ruth?
>>>>>>>>> · A further edited version of the interest group pages.
>>>>>>>>> · Adjusted Committing pages.
>>>>>>>>> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zc9xc818khayhjah39a44/Annual-Report-2023-2024-03-24-Draft.pdf?rlkey=wo69s52n2qoayao07wv8rphob&dl=0
>>>>>>>>> <https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=31323334-50bba2bf-31367a34-4544474f5631-43f73e2e362a76c7&q=1&e=3a08f502-2ff6-493a-a793-deba8df7a0fe&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fscl%2Ffi%2Fzc9xc818khayhjah39a44%2FAnnual-Report-2023-2024-03-24-Draft.pdf%3Frlkey%3Dwo69s52n2qoayao07wv8rphob%26dl%3D0>
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>>>>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org
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>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Andrea Buntz Neiman, MLS
>>>>>>> Project Manager for Software Development | Product Specialist
>>>>>>> Equinox Open Library Initiative
>>>>>>> abneiman at equinoxOLI.org <abneiman at equinoxoli.org>
>>>>>>> 1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
>>>>>>> Direct: 770-709-5583
>>>>>>> *https://www.equinoxOLI.org/ <https://www.equinoxOLI.org/>*
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Andrea Buntz Neiman, MLS
>>>>>> Project Manager for Software Development | Product Specialist
>>>>>> Equinox Open Library Initiative
>>>>>> abneiman at equinoxOLI.org <abneiman at equinoxoli.org>
>>>>>> 1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
>>>>>> Direct: 770-709-5583
>>>>>> *https://www.equinoxOLI.org/ <https://www.equinoxOLI.org/>*
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> evergreen-outreach mailing list
>>>>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org
>>>>> http://list.evergreen-ils.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/evergreen-outreach
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>>>> evergreen-outreach mailing list
>>>> evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org
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