[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Getting there -- bootstrapping OpenSRF Client problem

Joshua Ferraro jmf at liblime.com
Sat Dec 16 11:38:33 EST 2006

On Sat, Dec 16, 2006 at 10:28:12AM -0500, Mike Rylander wrote:
> >I've updated the CPAN bundles with the latest dependencies as listed
> >on the wiki, should take a few hours for CPAN to update. I'll try to
> >keep tabs on what's required, if you see anything missing let me know
> >and I'll add it.
> Just so everyone knows, you MUST still follow the instructions on the
> wiki, preferably derived from the Debian, Ubuntu or Gentoo docs, for
> installing Perl dependencies, especially for the MARC::* related
> modules and Javascript::Spidermonkey.  These bundles will not include
> the correct versions of the MARC modules, as their maintainers have
> not released updated versions, and it can not automate the
> installation of JS::SM without a good bit of work, because E4X support
> is required in Evergreen.
Good point. So, shall I:

1. remove MARC::* and JS::SM from the bundles?
2. require specific versions in the bundle?
	(which would throw warnings since they aren't on CPAN)

Regarding the MARC::* stuff, we've a similar problem in the Koha
project -- do we need to branch the CPAN modules so we can ease the
installation process? MARC2::* ?

> Also, unless you updated the packages from the recent Debian or Ubuntu
> documentation or from a fresh install of your own, as opposed to the
> generic "Perl Modules" page, you most likely missed plenty of
> dependencies.  Dan Scott and Don McMorris have (quite thankfully!)
> done a lot of work fleshing out the installation docs, having gone
> through it completely now.  
Ahh, OK, so they've got it installed now? Cool!

> We want to make EG easy for anyone to install, and maybe we can start
> by releasing the images/tarballs that PINES uses for its environment.
> While not part of EG proper, it might simplify things for similar 
> environments.  For the time being these bundles may not be (and, for 
> some situations, provably aren't) the best way to accomplish the "easy 
> install" goal.

What about creating a Debian Etch package for EG? One of the problematic
parts of CPAN bundles is that they don't handle upstream non-perl
dependencies (obviously), whereas a Debian package could. I'd be willing
to devote some resources to this in the coming weeks if everyone thinks
it'd be a good direction.

> We want to release early and often, but we only want to release working
> code.


Joshua Ferraro                       SUPPORT FOR OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE
President, Technology       migration, training, maintenance, support
LibLime                                Featuring Koha Open-Source ILS
jmf at liblime.com |Full Demos at http://liblime.com/koha |1(888)KohaILS

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