[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Data load challenges

Don Hamilton dhamilton at wlu.ca
Thu Jul 5 12:32:53 EDT 2007

Hmm... everything leads to another issue, proving yet again how much I
don't know...
So, I figured out that  I should have paid attention when those
messages about svn instead of cvs went flying by... after cvs up'ing a
few times, and getting no updates, a bit of browsing of old emails got
me to install svn and then copy the trunks for both SRF and ILS.
BUT, how do I install the updated perlmods? or whatever it is I need to
do so that the new pg-loader (thanks, Mike!) doesn't complain:
Can't locate OpenSRF/Utils/JSON.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
/openils/lib/perl5/ /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5
/usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at
pg_loader.pl line 10.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at pg_loader.pl line 10.

Do I just copy something into openils/lib/perl5 from the open=SRF
trunk? or is there an install procedure for pm type files?
Thanks yet again,m and sorry for the basic questions.
ps. Jason, I got your email, but NOT one from th ewiki with an

>>> dhamilton at wlu.ca 7/5/2007 11:40 AM >>>

Thanks, Mike. I'll dowload and test the new version.... I just about
had the begin/commit ready to submit as a patch, but ended up corrupting
my install elsewhere and couldn't actually test it, and hadn't quite got
back to that yet...
Maybe this is the time to ask... If I could get access to write to the
docuwiki, I'd be happy to tweak the notes at
with some of the nuances I've found...
I can't devote as much time as I'd like to this, but I will give back
when I can.

>>> "Mike Rylander" <mrylander at gmail.com> 7/5/2007 11:32 AM >>>

On 7/5/07, Don Hamilton <dhamilton at wlu.ca> wrote:
> Thanks Mike.
>  I added a couple of lines to pg-loader (to print "BEGIN" / "COMMIT"
> statements) and removed the 'ticker'. My line 86 is:
>         my $fields = join(',', @{ $fieldcache{$h}{fields} });
> Do I have a set of records that is missing subject data? I do have
> author data in the sql file, followed by the .\. I DON'T have the
copy for
> the COPY for metalib.subject_field_entry.

Hmm... I think you're right.  I will protect against that (and add a


UPDATE: Fix (and begin/commit) committed to svn.  You can just update
to that and not worry about missing data ... alternatively, you can
just remove the -or and -a options mentioning msfe from the command
line, though there may be others missing (msefe is for series, for

> AH... writing things down helps... I just reran the original 802
> starting with record id 803, and that did not fail... so I think the
> may be the that there are no subject fields in the oxford data...
which of
> the (many) parameters to pg-loader might I remove to NOT try to load
> subjects....

Very good catch, and thanks for the analysis.


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