[OPEN-ILS-DEV] ubuntu startup script

Rene Paquin rpaquin at wlu.ca
Thu Jul 12 13:51:56 EDT 2007

I am trying to get the openils ( ver. 1.15 with latest svn files) to
start up when the server (Ubuntu) is rebooted and I have created a file
called openils and placed it in the init.d directory with the following

! /bin/sh

# start memcached for open ils

 /usr/bin/memcached -u nobody -p 10101 -l -d

# start openils

sudo -u opensrf /openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh -d /tmp/ -c
/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_all

I then ran the following command:
update-rc.d openils defaults 

The problem remains that root must be logged in in order for searches to
be successful thru the opac.  If root is not logged in then the search
just continues with never any results. 

What step am I missing?



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