[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Newbie install question

Dan Wells dbw2 at calvin.edu
Wed Jul 18 14:37:07 EDT 2007

Hello Dave and Karen,

The instructions for installing Evergreen on Ubuntu were written/edited by me specifically for the stable 1.0.x branch.  They should work with minimal changes for some of the 1.1.x development builds, but will be missing critical steps for 1.2.x, as OpenSRF has been pulled out as a separate build.

The project is in an awkward state at this moment, as there is no official build that is both current and stable (coming soon!).  I have been resisting changes to the Wiki until 1.2.x passes the release candidate stage, but may create a new page to accommodate it if the RC process drags on too long due to something unforeseen.

So, you have a few options at this point:
1) Install 1.0.x.  The install should smoothly follow the Wiki guide, and you will at least get a live install to see what Evergreen is like.
2) Stick with 1.2.x, making sure to install OpenSRF.  You should be able to install most things based on the Ubuntu guide, but check out the Gentoo guide for the last bits, specifically the sections beginning with "Installing OpenSRF" http://www.open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=installing_prerequisites_on_gentoo 
People here are always willing to work through specific sticking points, and I will be sure to glean any troubleshooting info from your posts to add to the future 1.2.x wiki page :)
3) If you just want to see Evergreen in action, grab VMWare Player and one of the VMWare images.  The Ubuntu image is functional, but a few months old at this point.  The Gentoo image looks more up to date if your heart isn't set on Ubuntu.

Good luck,

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