[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Network/Server failure, can't get client to connect

Don McMorris don.mcmorris at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 13:03:04 EDT 2007

On 5/30/07, Christopher Kupec <ckupec at mac.com> wrote:
> I'm having issues getting the client and server to work.
> So I start up the whole shebang (I followed the Ubuntu 7.04 install guide), and I see this message when I restart openils:
> Loading OpenSRF host eg-server.main.chelmsfordlibrary.org with bootstrap config /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml and config context opensrf
> osrf_settings_host_value_object: config pointer is NULL
<!-- SNIP -->

This indicates to me a configuration issue (the last line:
"osrf_settings_host_value_object: config pointer is NULL").  Please
check /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml to ensure the hostname matches.
Near the end is a section to load the modules for your specific host.
It should be encapsulated in <eg-server.main.chelmsfordlibrary.org>
</eg-server.main.chelmsfordlibrary.org> (this appears to be the
hostname OpenSRF is attempting to bootstrap against).  My hunch is
these tags are wrong with either a different hostname (like...
<eg-server> </eg-server>) or have a typo (as suggested by Dan W.).

If the configuration looks right, sending your configurations and logs
to us may be helpful...
user$ su opensrf
opensrf$ mkdir /tmp/openils
opensrf$ cp -Rv /openils/{var/log,conf} /tmp/openils
opensrf$ cd /tmp/openils/conf
/* Take this moment to go through the conf and sanitize it of any
sensitive passwords */
opensrf$ cd /tmp
opensrf$ tar -cjf openils.tar.bz2 openils/

and send us openils.tar.bz2.


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