[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Re: Network/Server failure, can't get client

Dan Wells dbw2 at calvin.edu
Fri Jun 1 14:32:51 EDT 2007


>>open-ils.reporter-store 2007-06-01 12:58:57 [ERR :10088:oils_cstore.c:266:] Error connecting to database: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"

Well, this line is at least one problem to look at, and it could be caused by a number of things.  Here are a few:

1) You have chosen to use a user other than 'postgres' (such as 'evergreen') to connect to the database, but you have accidently left 'postgres' in one or more of the <database><user> tags inside openils.xml/opensrf.xml.

2) You need to adjust some lines in pg_hba.conf (see step 18 of the Ubuntu page).  You may need to add:

host    all    all    your.ip.address.here/32   md5

3) Your password for user postgres is not set or is incorrect somewhere in your openils.xml/opensrf.xml config file.

As Don said, your config files and logs would be good to have.

Good luck,

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