[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Installed evergreen OAPC killed moodle on same web server

Dan Scott denials at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 09:18:02 EDT 2007

On 14/06/07, John Nowlin <JNowlin at cclaflorida.org> wrote:
> I just finished installing evergreen on my test Ubuntu box and now my
> previous installation of moodle no longer works. Previously I would use
> http://localhost/moodle to access moodle (and /myphpadmin etc). I had a
> feeling that the changes being made to apache2 was going to kill my
> moodle access, but I am to new at Linux to know exactly which of the
> configuration changes I can undo or change to return access to /moodle
> and /myphpadmin. Can you please point me to the documentation that
> describes what change I need to make.
> thanks
> john
> John Nowlin
> College Center for Library Automation
> Tallahassee, FL USA

Hi John:

This is a very difficult question to answer, because there are so many
variables involved.

It won't help you now, but in the future if you want to try out a new
application it might make sense to backup the directories that will be
affected before you start making configuration changes; -- something

sudo cp -r /etc /etc-pre-evergreen

would give you a snapshot of the most pertinent configuration files;
then, if you wanted to revert to your pre-evergreen state, you could
run something like:

sudo mv /etc /etc-evergreen
sudo mv /etc-pre-evergreen /etc

This also gives you the chance to compare individual files if you want
to try to merge the "best of" and get evergreen, moodle, myphpadmin,
etc all working together. There are many ways of achieving the same
idea (symbolic links, saving changes in configuration versioning
systems like svn or cvs, etc).

At this point, however, your best option might be to save a copy of
your current /etc/ files for the evergreen state, then try going
through the configuration sequence for moodle and myphpadmin from the
start. Sorry :(

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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