
Gramling, Tom tgramling at solinet.net
Tue May 1 17:59:08 EDT 2007

Dan you're a genius - it's running - that's for all of your help!!


From: Dan Wells [mailto:dbw2 at calvin.edu]
Sent: Tue 5/1/2007 5:51 PM
To: Gramling, Tom
Subject: RE:[OPEN-ILS-DEV]router at eg-server/opensrf.settingsISNOTCONNECTEDTOTHENETWORK!!!


In the trusted server and client settings in opensrf_core.xml (I think), it
seems you have a typo, and have entered egserver rather than eg-server.  Fix
that up and try to start the router again.


>>> "Gramling, Tom" <tgramling at solinet.net> 5/1/2007 5:41 PM >>>

Here you go. I've attached it twice - once with the extension renamed in case
your spam filter scans for that sort of thing.

Thanks for all the help - I really appreciate it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Wells [mailto:dbw2 at calvin.edu]
Sent: Tue 5/1/2007 5:28 PM
To: Gramling, Tom
Subject: RE:[OPEN-ILS-DEV]router at eg-server/opensrf.settingsISNOTCONNECTEDTO


If the router doesn't start properly (which it seems it is not), then start_c
should seg fault every time.

At this point I suppose I will wait for the log files before I venture any
more guesses.


>>> "Gramling, Tom" <tgramling at solinet.net> 5/1/2007 5:11 PM >>>
Thanks Dan - I'll give that log suggestion a try now.

As far as your other suggestions - I checked the jabber logins and they all
looked correct so I tried loading each portion by itself and this is what

Router -
Starting OpenSRF Router
/openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh: line 112:  7017 File size limit exceeded(core
dumped) opensrf_router $OPT_C_CONFIG router

Perl -
Started with no errors

Starting OpenSRF C
Loading OpenSRF host eg-server with bootstrap config
/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml and config context opensrf
/openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh: line 140:  7243 Segmentation fault      (core
dumped) opensrf-c $(hostname -f) $OPT_C_CONFIG opensrf


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Wells [mailto:dbw2 at calvin.edu]
Sent: Tue 5/1/2007 4:17 PM
To: Gramling, Tom
Subject: RE: [OPEN-ILS-DEV]router at eg-server/opensrf.settingsISNOTCONNECTED TO


Another suggestion I have would be to remove all the log files from
/openils/var/log, start the system, let it crash, then do stop_all.  Some of
the log files fill up pretty fast, so this should make them much easier to go
through.  If you want to zip them up and send them my way I would be willing
look them over as well.


>>> "Gramling, Tom" <tgramling at solinet.net> 5/1/2007 3:12 PM >>>

I checked and memcached was running. I did a STOP_ALL then a START_ALL with
the same results. I then immediately tried just doing a START_ALL again -
results. although I did get a bunch of Pid_file already exists errors after
dumped - I suppose that's because I didn't stop_all first. I also tried
restarting the whole computer (it's hard to let go of my Microsoft ways -
and that gave me the same results. It's possible that it's just the computer
I'm using - it's an old laptop I just grabbed so I could easily work on this
home and work. This is my first installation and I wasn't going to actual use
it - I just wanted to get accustomed to installing it.

 Keep thinking and if you come up with something let me know. Tomorrow I'll
grab a real computer and try loading it on that.

Thanks yet again,

On another note - should I be replying to the list as well?


From: Dan Wells [mailto:dbw2 at calvin.edu]
Sent: Tue 5/1/2007 2:56 PM
To: Gramling, Tom
Subject: RE: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] router at eg-server/opensrf.settingsISNOTCONNECTED


Thanks for pointing that out; I have updated the wiki page to reflect that

On some machines there is a race condition which causes the core to
sporadically seg fault on startup only.  I have seen it, but have been
unsuccessful duplicating it.  Have you simply tried starting it again?  (You
may want to stop_all first.)

That being said, I also had a repeatable seg fault, but I cannot remember
right now how I fixed it :(  I do recall it was something minor, like not
starting memcached first.

I will keep thinking, and await your reply.


>>> "Gramling, Tom" <tgramling at solinet.net> 5/1/2007 2:44 PM >>>
Hey Dan,

Thanks for the help. I think I have figured out what the problem is. The
instructions say to add those lines to the top of both the files. I stuck
in as the very first lines in the files and they needed to be after the
#!/bin/bash line. I moved them and it looks likes it started but it now it
starts a bunch of stuff then says System is ready and sits there for a little
bit before returning this line

/openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh: line 140: 5743 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
opensrf -c $(hostname -r) $OPT_C_CONFIG opensrf

and then I'm dumped back at the prompt.

Thanks again,


From: Dan Wells [mailto:dbw2 at calvin.edu]
Sent: Tue 5/1/2007 2:19 PM
To: Gramling, Tom
Subject: RE: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] router at eg-server/opensrf.settings ISNOTCONNECTED

Hello Tom,

First, did you do this (towards the end of a long step 24)?

"Add the following lines to the top of /openils/bin/autogen.sh and
export PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin
export PERL5LIB=/openils/lib/perl5
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/openils/lib

Second, the command should be all one line (not sure if this came across well
on the wiki or the email):
sudo -u opensrf /openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh -d /tmp/ -p
/openils/conf/bootstrap.conf -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_all

Dan Scott also replied to the list, you can see his post here (if you didn't
get it already):


>>> "Gramling, Tom" <tgramling at solinet.net> 5/1/2007 2:07 PM >>>

Thanks so much for your prompt reply. I believe you're correct in that my
router service is not started. I was just about to post another question
that very subject. I went back through the
instructions and when I reached the opensrf load command I noticed that I was
getting this error.

egadmin at eg-server:/openils$ sudo -u opensrf /openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh -d /tmp/
/openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh: 21: function: not found

followed by the usage blurb.

I tried cutting and pasting the command directly from your email and still
have the same results.

Any suggestions?

Thanks again,
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Wells [mailto:dbw2 at calvin.edu]
Sent: Tue 5/1/2007 2:00 PM
To: open-ils-dev at list.georgialibraries.org
Cc: Gramling, Tom
Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] router at eg-server/opensrf.settings IS NOTCONNECTED

Hello Tom,

As the current maintainer of the Ubuntu pages, hopefully I can help you out.
The 'router' is a system service which connects to an account (named
on a Jabber server which is used for system message passing.  In our case the
Jabber server is ejabberd.  Your most likely problems are:

1) You have not started the actual OpenSRF Router service.
This can be done with:
sudo -u opensrf /openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh -d /tmp/ -p
/openils/conf/bootstrap.conf -c \
/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_all

or more specifically:
sudo -u opensrf /openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh -d /tmp/ -p
/openils/conf/bootstrap.conf -c \
/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_router

2) ejabberd is not running
You can check this by running:
sudo ejabberdctl status

If it is not started, start it:
sudo ejabberdctl start

You will need to start the OpenSRF router after ejabberd.

3) ejabberd is not configured properly.
Double-check all the parts of step 23 on the wiki page.  In particular, make
sure this has been done:
sudo ejabberdctl register router eg-server everPass

You are free to change the last value (the password), but the username must

Please let me know if any of this helps of if anything specific fails for


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