[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Apache errors

Dan Wells dbw2 at calvin.edu
Thu May 10 09:45:05 EDT 2007


>>Updating OrgTree
>>Can't call method "method_lookup" on an undefined value at 
>>/openils/lib/perl5/OpenSRF/Application.pm line 103.
>>Updating OrgTree HTML
>>Can't call method "method_lookup" on an undefined value at 
>>/openils/lib/perl5/OpenSRF/Application.pm line 103.

I had trouble with these errors too, but my problem/solution was different
from Wolfgang's.  If his solution doesn't work, make sure you have the
MARC::File::XML Perl module installed.  It was missing from the instructions I
initially followed, but I don't know about the Debian instructions.

Here is one way to install it:

perl -MCPAN -e 'install MARC::File::XML'

I think I read once that CPAN and dpkg don't really get along, so maybe that
is not the best way to do it.  Here is another idea:


Good luck,

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