[OPEN-ILS-DEV] help with OPAC configuration

Pseudo Admin sayanslib at gmail.com
Tue May 22 04:06:32 EDT 2007


It seems I am on the verge of running an Open-ILS on our server but I am
still having difficulties with OPAC configuration

Could anyone help me figure out what is it that I am doing wrong

Here is the result when I run
cslibadmin at cslibff:/openils/bin$ sudo -u opensrf /openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh -d
/tmp/ -p /openils/conf/bootstrap.conf -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a

Starting OpenSRF Router
Starting OpenSRF Perl
 * Server type: Net::Server::PreFork
 * System bootstrap
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.cat...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.supercat...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.search...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.circ...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.actor...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.storage...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.penalty...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.collections...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.ingest...
 * Starting UnixServer for open-ils.reporter...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.cat...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.supercat...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.search...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.circ...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.actor...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.storage...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.penalty...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.collections...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.ingest...
 * Starting Listener for open-ils.reporter...
 * System is ready...
Starting OpenSRF C (host=cslibff)
Loading OpenSRF host cslibff with bootstrap config
/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml and config context opensrf
 * Running application opensrf.math
 * Running application opensrf.dbmath
 * Running application open-ils.auth
 * Running application open-ils.cstore
 * Running application open-ils.reporter-store

then this is the result when I run

cslibadmin at cslibff:/openils/bin$ sudo -u opensrf /openils/bin/autogen.sh

Updating fieldmapper
Updating web_fieldmapper
Updating OrgTree
removing OrgTree from the cache...
Updating OrgTree HTML
Can't call method "opac_visible" on an undefined value at
org_tree_html_options.pl line 28.

How do I solve this problem?

Thank you in advance

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