[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Error: schema 'search' does not exist

Syd Weidman s.weidman at uwinnipeg.ca
Tue Aug 5 12:41:54 EDT 2008

I have installed Open-ILS on Ubuntu 8.04 and have managed to get around a few problems (requires postgres 8.2 rather than 8.3, staff client doesn't work on server, etc). I'm just at the point where I'm trying to figure out how to actually do something with it.

Doing a search for the word "dog" (or any other term) from the main page yields the error message included below. Just from a naive first impression, it looks like the problem seems to be "schema 'search' does not exist".

I looked for the appropriate sql file in Evergreen-ILS- and found


When trying to run that file, I get the error:

psql:300.schema.staged_search.sql:583: ERROR:  creation of Perl function failed: Can't locate JSON/XS.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at line 2.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 2.

So I installed JSON:XS via CPAN and the schema was created without any error. This also corrected the error when searching.

Just providing this information in to help anyone else who might encounter this on Ubuntu 8.04 server. Perhaps a check for JSON:XS could be added to settings-tester.pl?


osrf_json_gw 2008-08-05 09:47:31 [INFO:24051:osrf_json_gateway.c:327:1217763753240511] Completed processing service=open-ils.search, method=open-ils.search.biblio.audience_map.retrieve.all
osrf_json_gw 2008-08-05 10:59:12 [INFO:24053:osrf_app_session.c:522:1217763753240531] [open-ils.search] sent 299 bytes of data to router at hume.uwinnipeg.ca/open-ils.search
osrf_json_gw 2008-08-05 10:59:12 [ACT:24053:osrf_json_gateway.c:220:1217763753240531] [] [] open-ils.search open-ils.search.biblio.multiclass.query {"org_unit":1,"depth":0,"limit":10,"offset":0,"visibility_limit":3000,"default_class":"keyword"}, "dog", 1
osrf_json_gw 2008-08-05 10:59:12 [INFO:24053:osrf_json_gateway.c:220:1217763753240531] [] [] open-ils.search open-ils.search.biblio.multiclass.query {"org_unit":1,"depth":0,"limit":10,"offset":0,"visibility_limit":3000,"default_class":"keyword"}, "dog", 1
osrf_json_gw 2008-08-05 10:59:12 [WARN:24053:osrf_stack.c:182:1217763753240531] The stack doesn't know what to do with the provided message code: 500, name osrfMethodException. Passing UP.
osrf_json_gw 2008-08-05 10:59:12 [INFO:24053:osrf_stack.c:103:1217763753240531] Message processing duration 0.000111
osrf_json_gw 2008-08-05 10:59:12 [ERR :24053:osrf_json_gateway.c:262:1217763753240531] Gateway received error:  *** Call to [open-ils.search.biblio.multiclass.query] failed for session [1217951952.413803.121795195224053], thread trace [1]:
  * ! EXCEPTION ! * 
Mess: System ERROR 
Mess: Call to open-ils.storage for method open-ils.stosrage.biblio.multiclass.staged.search_fts.atomic 
Mess:  failed with exception:   * ! EXCEPTION ! * 
Mess: Mess: System ERROR 
Mess: Mess:   * ! EXCEPTION ! * 
Mess: Mess: TYPE: OpenSRF::DomainObject::oilsMethodException
Mess: Mess: Mess: <500>   *** Call to [open-ils.storage.biblio.multiclass.staged.search_fts.atomic] failed for session [1217951952.422787184.99934765617], thread trace [1]:
Mess: Mess: Mess: DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  schema "search" does not exist
Mess: Mess: Mess:  [for Statement "        SELECT  *
Mess: Mess: Mess:           FROM  search.staged_fts(
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     1,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     0,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     $${"keyword":{"fts_query":["to_tsquery('keyword','dog')"],"fts_rank":["rank(keyword.index_vector, to_tsquery('keyword','dog'))"],"phrase":[],"word":["dog"]}}$$,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     $${}$$,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     $${}$$,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     $${}$$,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     $${}$$,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     $${}$$,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     $${}$$,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     $${}$$,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     $$$$,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     NULL,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     $$$$,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     'f',
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     'f',
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     'f',
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     NULL,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     1000,
Mess: Mess: Mess:                     NULL
Mess: Mess: Mess:                 );
Mess: Mess: Mess: "] at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/ContextualFetch.pm line 52.
Mess: Mess: Mess: 
Mess: Mess: 
Mess: Mess: Loc.: 996 OpenSRF::AppRequest 
Mess: Mess: Loc.: /openils/lib/perl5/OpenSRF/AppSession.pm 
Mess: Mess: Time: Tue Aug  5 10:59:12 2008
Mess: Loc.: 163 OpenILS::Application::AppUtils 
Mess: Loc.: /openils/lib/perl5/OpenILS/Application/AppUtils.pm 
Mess: Time: Tue Aug  5 10:59:12 2008
Mess:  : 
Loc.: 185 OpenSRF::Application 
Loc.: /openils/lib/perl5/OpenSRF/Application.pm 
Time: Tue Aug  5 10:59:12 2008

osrf_json_gw 2008-08-05 10:59:12 [INFO:24053:osrf_json_gateway.c:327:1217763753240531] Completed processing service=open-ils.search, method=open-ils.search.biblio.multiclass.query

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