[OPEN-ILS-DEV] unable to login as admin

vijay kumar vijcrjbhu at gmail.com
Sun Aug 17 12:11:37 EDT 2008

Dear Sir,
Then how I overcome of this problem.As I remembered I have given
password evergreen to the database evergreen.
What services I have to start before login.....
In manual I am unbale to find out
Is there any methods....


> DBI connect('dbname=evergreen;host=localhost;port=5432','evergreen',...)
> failed: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "evergreen"
>  at ./settings-tester.pl line 216


This is telling me that the evergreen user either does not exist or
has a different password for the database you specified (my guess is
the latter since the C services do successfully connect later).

> password=evergreens

Is that password supposed to be plural?

>  * ERROR: Language 'plpgsql' is not enabled in the target database
>  * ERROR: Language 'plperlu' is not enabled in the target database
>  * ERROR: Language 'plperl' is not enabled in the target database

These worry me, but I bet they're just spurious errors based on the
bad password/username.  We should fix that then run settings-tester

> Successfully connected to database

And you do a have a successful database connection with the C
services, so I'd make sure that the perl sections of the config file
use the same database password.

> Checking libdbi and libdbi-drivers
> /usr/local/lib/dbd/libdbdpgsql.so
>  was not linked against libdbi - you probably need to compile
> libdbi-drivers from source with the --enable-libdbi configure switch.

And this worries me, but let's tackle the database password issue first.

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