[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Bug reports for trunk?

Bill Ott bott at grpl.org
Fri Feb 8 12:59:28 EST 2008

> I'd be in favour of you reporting whatever bugs you find in trunk.

These are starting from a clean install and database with only 
distribution seed data.

- I'd already mentioned volumes not appearing in holdings maintenance, 
only a consortium total.  Jason mentioned he saw something similar when 
moving to OpenSRF trunk.

- When registering a new patron, the osrfsys.log reports: Returning 
non-success event object: ACTOR_CARD_NOT_FOUND, yet an alert in the 
client reports that "The selected barcode is already in use..."   If I 
lose focus on the field by moving to a different tab, I can then return 
and move on, where I receive the same error for the username.  Again, 
changing focus and returning to the form will allow me to finish the 
registration and the insert completes normally.

-Placing a hold fails.  The proximity check is fine, the copy retrieve 
is fine, everything seems happy right through the REQUEST_HOLD 
permission check, then I'm guessing it's checking to see if it's a 
duplicate hold (?) when I find in the log: Returning non-success event 
object: ACTOR_CARD_NOT_FOUND, and the OPAC view hangs at "Checking for 
possibility of hold fulfillment..."

- Checking copy status by barcode:
   Error: Could not create namespace[circ.copy_status]: SyntaxError: 
missing ] after element list

- Unknown error on check-in.  Check-in completes, but an error is 
reported (see below).

Check In Failed (in circ.util.checkin): 

	"message":"error has no properties",
		object Object
		object Object

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