[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Re: Heads-up: state of OpenSRF in trunk

Dan Scott denials at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 09:37:31 EDT 2008

2008/7/1 Dan Scott <denials at gmail.com>:
> Hey folks:
> This is a heads-up to let you know that OpenSRF in trunk appears to
> have been broken since the introduction of autotools.
> It seems that everything compiles quite nicely, and one can start the
> router and Perl services, but trying to start the C services or talk
> to the Perl services via srfsh is another matter.
> For now, I would recommend sticking with revision 1347 of OpenSRF,
> unless you want to give me a hand figuring out where the autotools
> compile & link process is throwing curveballs at opensrf
> communication.

Hah! And a few minutes later, the situation has now been resolved as
of commit 1358. The problem was that the default opensrf.xml.example
file had the opensrf.settings property "stateless" set to "0" when, in
fact, it needs to be "1".

So the problem existed before the move to autotools; now it has been
resolved. I should also point out that the Perl Demo::Math and
Demo::MathDB services appear to be broken (perhaps since the move to
JSON::XS); switching to the C versions of these services enables
math_bench in srfsh to work as expected.

I shall now go and enjoy Canada Day :)

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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