[OPEN-ILS-DEV] restoring evergreen to an empty state

Nella Lall ndlall at ucalgary.ca
Wed Mar 12 17:23:07 EDT 2008


Seems like this brought me closer--I saw that after attempting an 
upgrade from Evergreen 1.2 to the autogen.sh file needed to have 
Step 24 redone on it which was:

"Add the following lines to the top of /openils/bin/autogen.sh and 
/openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh (after the #!/bin/bash line). There are other 
ways to accomplish this, but this is one of the simplest and least 

export PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin
export PERL5LIB=/openils/lib/perl5

So I did that and stop and started opensrf and then tried the autogen.sh 
step again:

evergreen-admin at eg-server:/openils/bin$ sudo -u opensrf ./autogen.sh 

Updating fieldmapper
Connection to Settings Failed  Settings Connect timed out
 :  ***
Settings Connect timed out
Updating web_fieldmapper
Updating OrgTree
removing OrgTree from the cache...
Updating OrgTree HTML

So, I think things are bit happier but the Connection to Settings 
failed??  What does this new message mean?


Jason Etheridge wrote:
>>  evergreen-admin at eg-server:/$ sudo -u opensrf perl -e 'print  join("\n", at INC);'
> Alright, so no sign of /openils/lib/perl5.  It seems like your
> environment changed in addition to you rebuilding the database.
> What you should do now is check the .bashrc file for your opensrf user
> and make sure it contains this line:
> export PERL5LIB=/openils/lib/perl5
> If it doesn't, add that line, and then try your autogen command again.

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