[OPEN-ILS-DEV] OpenSRF Router CPU Usage

Nathan Eady eady at galion.lib.oh.us
Thu Jul 23 12:32:32 EDT 2009

Adam Ray <aray at slcconline.edu> writes:

> How does one go about killing all the extraneous router processes? 

If the normal method doesn't work, you could always resort to extreme
killall -9 opensrf_router

I've been using Linux since 1998, and the only times I've seen kill -9
fail to terminate a process, the process was waiting on something to
happen (kernel-mode I/O probably) and thus not using any CPU time.
Even that was a while ago, so I don't know that it necessarily still
happens in Linux 2.6.

Nathan Eady
Galion Public Library

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