[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Testing connections to Evergreen: <error> message with type cancel and code 503

Nathan Eady eady at galion.lib.oh.us
Thu Jun 18 10:00:32 EDT 2009

Okay, I'm attempting to install Evergreen, for what you might call
exploratory purposes.

  Technically-irrelevant aside: I want to become familiar with this
  software, its capabilities, and how it works; doing a test
  installation is a first step.  I started this once before, but I got
  caught up in other projects and had to back-burner it; this time,
  however, my boss is actually interested in the project, so hopefully
  I'll actually have time to really get somewhere.

I've been following the instructions here:

I get to the point, tantalizingly close to completion, where it says this:
> Start srfsh and try logging onto the Evergreen server using the default administrator user ID and password:
>  /openils/bin/srfsh
>  srfsh% login admin open-ils

I will paste from the terminal window here:
------------------------------ begin paste
thorin:~$ /openils/bin/srfsh
srfsh# login admin open-ils
Unable to communicate with service open-ils.auth
???: login admin open-ils
------------------------------ end paste

So I ran settings-tester.pl, but the output doesn't tell me a lot.
It tells me what versions I have of a number of CPAN modules, and
then it does some Jabber tests, which are all successful, and then
some Postgres tests, which all appear to be successful, and then
it checks the database drives and says OK for all four of them,
finds libdbi.so and libdbdpgsql.so in the library path, finds the
hostname in opensrf.xml, and exits.  

At this point the instructions refer me to the dev mailing list,
so, here I am.

One quick and hopefully easy question: where do I check to make sure
the username and password for that login command are correct?

Oh, wait, another thing: this test worked earlier, when I'd just
finished installing OpenSRF, but it fails now:
------------------------------ begin paste
thorin:~$ /openils/bin/srfsh 
srfsh# request opensrf.math mult 5 7
Unable to communicate with service opensrf.math
------------------------------ end paste

That sure does seem relevant, eh?

So I went back and looked at the OpenSRF installation instructions,
particularly at the part about the configuration files, comparing
it to the current setup, and when I got here:
> Edit /openils/conf/opensrf.xml to set the location of the persistent
> database in the <dbfile> element near the end of the file:
>  <!-- Example of an app-specific setting override -->
>  <opensrf.persist>
>    <app_settings>
>      <dbfile>/tmp/persist.db</dbfile>
>    </app_settings>
>  </opensrf.persist>

I noticed that the entire <opensrf.persist> element is not present in
my opensrf.xml file now, and furthermore it's not in
opensrf.xml.example either.

So I made a backup copy of the opensrf.xml file and tried replacing it
with the earlier one that was in place during the successful OpenSRF
test, but this didn't work, so I put it back the way it was, and now
I'm stumped.

Here is the settings-tester.pl output in all its detail:
------------------------------ begin paste
opensrf at thorin:~/Evergreen-ILS-$ ./settings-tester.pl
LWP::UserAgent version 5.813
XML::LibXML version 1.69
XML::LibXML::XPathContext version 1.69
XML::LibXSLT version 1.68
Net::Server::PreFork version 0.97
Cache::Memcached version 1.24
Class::DBI version 0.96
Class::DBI::AbstractSearch version 0.07
Template version 2.19
DBD::Pg version 2.8.7
Net::Z3950::ZOOM version 1.24
MARC::Record version 2.0.0
MARC::Charset version 0.98
MARC::File::XML version 0.88
Text::Aspell version 0.04
CGI version 3.29
DateTime::TimeZone version 0.7701
DateTime version 0.42
DateTime::Format::ISO8601 version 0.06
DateTime::Format::Mail version 0.3001
Unix::Syslog version 1.1
GD::Graph3d version 0.63
JavaScript::SpiderMonkey version 0.19
Log::Log4perl version 1.16
Email::Send version 2.192
Text::CSV version 1.06
Text::CSV_XS version 0.52
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big version 2.22
Tie::IxHash version 1.21
Parse::RecDescent version 1.95.1
SRU version 0.97
JSON::XS version 2.01

Checking Jabber connection for user opensrf, domain private.localhost
* Jabber successfully connected

Checking Jabber connection for user opensrf, domain public.localhost
* Jabber successfully connected

Checking Jabber connection for user router, domain public.localhost
* Jabber successfully connected

Checking Jabber connection for user router, domain private.localhost
* Jabber successfully connected

Checking database connections
* /opensrf/default/reporter/setup :: Successfully connected to database dbi:Pg:dbname=evergreen;host=localhost;port=5432
  * Database has the expected server encoding UTF8.
* /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.storage/app_settings/databases :: Successfully connected to database dbi:Pg:dbname=evergreen;host=localhost;port=5432
  * Database has the expected server encoding UTF8.
* /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.cstore/app_settings :: Successfully connected to database dbi:Pg:dbname=evergreen;host=localhost;port=5432
  * Database has the expected server encoding UTF8.
* /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.reporter-store/app_settings :: Successfully connected to database dbi:Pg:dbname=evergreen;host=localhost;port=5432
  * Database has the expected server encoding UTF8.

Checking database drivers to ensure <driver> matches <language>
* OK: Pg language is undefined for reporter base configuration
* OK: Pg language is perl in /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.storage/language
* OK: pgsql language is C in /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.cstore/language
* OK: pgsql language is C in /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.reporter-store/language

Checking libdbi and libdbi-drivers
  * OK - found locally installed libdbi.so and libdbdpgsql.so in shared library path

Checking hostname
 * OK: found hostname 'localhost' in <hosts> section of opensrf.xml
opensrf at thorin:~/Evergreen-ILS-$
------------------------------ end paste

Oh, and here is the section of the log covering the first failed test:
------------------------------ begin paste
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:35:57 [INFO:32400:osrf_system.c:415:] Bootstrapping system with domain private.localhost, port 5222, and unixpath (none)
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [DEBG:32400:osrf_app_session.c:282:] open-ils.auth session is stateless
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [DEBG:32400:osrf_app_session.c:293:] Building a new client session with id [open-ils.auth] [1247866571.145499.124786657132400]
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [DEBG:32400:osrf_app_session.c:500:] AppSession connecting to router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [DEBG:32400:osrf_app_session.c:456:] App Session [open-ils.auth] [1247866571.145499.124786657132400] resetting remote id to router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [DEBG:32400:osrf_app_session.c:639:] AppSession in queue_wait with timeout 0
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [DEBG:32400:osrf_app_session.c:456:] App Session [open-ils.auth] [1247866571.145499.124786657132400] resetting remote id to router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [INFO:32400:osrf_app_session.c:608:] [open-ils.auth] sent 83 bytes of data to router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [DEBG:32400:osrf_app_session.c:611:] Sent: [{"__c":"osrfMessage","__p":{"threadTrace":"0","locale":"en-US","type":"CONNECT"}}]
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [DEBG:32400:osrf_app_session.c:639:] AppSession in queue_wait with timeout 5
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [INFO:32400:transport_session.c:436:] Received <error> message with type cancel and code 503
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [DEBG:32400:osrf_stack.c:24:] Received message from transport code from router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [DEBG:32400:osrf_stack.c:51:] Transport handler received new message from router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth to opensrf at private.localhost/_thorin_1247866557.301354_32400 with body 


srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [DEBG:32400:osrf_stack.c:84:] We received 1 messages from router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [WARN:32400:osrf_stack.c:95:]  !!! Received Jabber layer error message
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [WARN:32400:osrf_stack.c:105:]  * Jabber Error is for top level remote  id [router at private.localhost/open-ils.auth], no one to send my message to!  Cutting request short...
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [INFO:32400:osrf_stack.c:116:] Message processing duration 0.000135
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [DEBG:32400:osrf_stack.c:119:] after msg delete
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [ERR :32400:osrf_app_session.c:516:] cannot communicate with open-ils.auth
srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:11 [WARN:32400:srfsh.c:576:] Unable to connect to remote service open-ils.auth

srfsh 2009-07-17 17:36:23 [DEBG:32400:socket_bundle.c:394:] removing socket 3
------------------------------ end paste

This is on Lenny (/etc/debian_version says 5.0.1), and I believe all
packages up to date as of this morning, except that Postgres is
8.2.13, compiled from source as per the instructions.

uname -a says this:
Linux thorin 2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686 #1 SMP Wed Apr 29 18:45:14 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

Evergreen is
OpenSRF is 1.0.6
Postgres is 8.2.13 compiled from the source tarball
Perl is 5.10.0 installed via the Debian package manager;
  some modules may have been installed via the package manager,
  but others were installed and/or updated using CPAN.pm,
  and I'm afraid I don't have a reliable list of which is which.

Nathan Eady
Galion Public Library

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