[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Custom entities

Duimovich, George George.Duimovich at NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca
Sun Mar 15 12:24:52 EDT 2009

Any comments on support for custom entities in, say, the opac ?

Could I just add a custom entity in my opac_local.dtd file or will this break things (i.e. does an entity have to be registered elsewhere, including in opac.dtd)?  

We are using a customized left sidebar menu for certain navigational items, and we are also using /locale/ dtd's for Evergreen entities in our bilingual environment. I can handle non Evergreen links already (using /locale/ aware includes, hardcoding links, etc.) but I was just wondering if I could manage some of our  external links using custom entities, and if so, any gotchas to look out for?

Step by step our customized opac coming along satisfactorily -- a few things to get used to and improve upon (like don't make /any/ xml errors, some minor CSS enhancements to be done for finer grain control, etc.), but I'm very impressed with the thinking and organization behind the OPAC layout pages! 

George Duimovich
NRCan Library / Bibliothèque RNCan
Tel: (613) 996-2101

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