[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Announcing the OpenILS Buildbot

Shawn Boyette sboyette at esilibrary.com
Wed Nov 25 13:06:04 EST 2009

On 11/25/2009 11:07 AM, Dan Scott wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 17:51 -0500, Shawn Boyette wrote:
> Rather than manually signing people up, how about sending build results
> to a mailing list? Possibly a new list, if people are afraid of too much
> noise in open-ils-dev - although that will also ensure that any build
> failures are quickly evident.

I'm all for this, of course, but I didn't want to make presumptions 
about the level of interest people would have :)

If no one objects, I can go ahead and have the bot send failmails to 
this list while more refined solutions are talked about.

> I'm guessing there's not much chance that the Evergreen staff client
> packaging for Windows will be automated as part of this effort?

I don't see why that couldn't be possible -- though I admit to being 
almost wholly ignorant of the state of automation on Windows.

> MongoDB - that's an interesting choice. Might be nice to set up
> replication to another instance, say, on evergreen-ils.org.

It is interesting. I chanced to find out about it just before I started 
work on the bot, and while I initially wrote it off as Yet Another 
Schemaless Nonrelational Database (those are really trendy all of a 
sudden), as I got into work on the bot I kept thinking of some of its 
features and how useful it might actually be. I don't think I would 
qualify as a fanboy (though I probably would if it were server-less the 
way SQLite is), but I do like knowing about tools which handle things in 
different manners.

The JSON-based query language and Javascripty data model takes a little 
getting used to. The Perl interface is... well, here's the call from the 
bot which fetches the last successful build (modified slightly to make 
more sense out of context):

  $db_obj->query({status => "0"})->fields({ rev => 1, author => 1, 
status => 1, start => 1, stop => 1 })->sort({ '$natural' => -1 

So yeah, kinda weird in places. It's every bit as fast as they 
advertise, though. So far.

Shawn Boyette
<sboyette at esilibrary.com>
Testing and Reliability
Equinox Software, Inc.

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