[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Testing Evergreen

Shawn Boyette sboyette at esilibrary.com
Mon Oct 19 13:44:31 EDT 2009

On 10/18/2009 01:43 PM, Nathanael Schilling wrote:
> This sounds really interresting, but I'm somewhat confused as to what you mean
> with testing. Do you mean testing that all the opensrf functions behave as
> expected, or testing that everything compiles fine, or some other form of
> testing? (I missed large parts of the IRC meeting)

You didn't miss anything except the part where I said I'd send an email 
about my efforts in testing osrf :)

As to what I mean, I mean everything you said and more. My previous 
message talked about what I see as neccessary to usefully unit-test 
osrf, but I basically plan to test whatever I can get my hands on:

* Unit testing
* Jabber testing
* Database testing (will include a model dataset which can be used
                     as a post-install "example" db)
* Integration testing

Then repeat all of that for OpenILS. Then, finally, add a test server 
which builds and installs itself every night from the most recent tarball.

I don't like to talk about vaporware, so I didn't mention any of this 
before, but these are real plans with real resources dedicated to them, 
and they'll be happening out of order anyway. The test db and the 
testing server should be happening relatively soon, for instance, while 
full unit testing will take.. a while.

Shawn Boyette
<sboyette at esilibrary.com>
Testing and Reliability
Equinox Software, Inc.

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