[OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** Re: Add feature - OPAC - display Call number next to brief record on first page

Dan Scott dan at coffeecode.net
Wed Oct 28 12:01:46 EDT 2009

On Wed, 2009-10-28 at 12:43 -0300, Melissa Belvadi wrote:
> This is also high on our dev list. We would like not just the call
> number but also location and status, so patrons don't waste time
> looking on the wrong set of shelves, or for a book that's checked out.
> >>> "Anne Andres" <Anne.Andres at columbiabc.edu> 10/27/2009 12:34 AM >>>
> It would be nice if the Call number in the OPAC could be displayed
> with the brief record rather then having to click again on the title
> to get it in the full record display.
> Some of our users have commented on this.

I've had the same request here, and it gets a little complex once you
start thinking about bib records that have multiple volumes (each with
their own call number) attached. Windsor, for example, has serials with
thousands of volumes attached.

Even if you don't individually catalogue each issue of a serial as a
separate volume (we don't), this gets more complex once your search
scope is broadened to include multiple libraries, increasing the chance
that you hit this situation.

It has been suggested to me that we simply display the first call
number / location / status of the complete set of call numbers, but
that's how our previous catalogue operated and it was rather deceptive;
there may very well have been an available item, but it wasn't visible
on the search results page - only an "UNAVAILABLE" status was shown for
the first call number - so people ended up turning away from that.

Perhaps we could work towards something like:
  * Check to see how many items are attached to a given bib record; if
only one, then we can display call number / location / status of that
particular item. Done.
  * For those records that have multiple items attached, we could
iterate through all of the items applicable at our given search scope
    * If only one item is available, display call number / location /
status, noting that other items exist but are not available
    * If more than one item is available, bubble the "x items are
available" status up to the surface - but force the user to click
through to see the summary copy listing

We also need to take into account bib records that might have content
available but which don't have real call numbers - for example,
electronic resources that just have ##URI## as a call number; or bib
records for serials that just have MFHD records attached, which have a
call number but no copies (right now we need a dummy copy attached to
make serials visible in search, but I'm planning to work towards
eliminating that requirement).

So... it's a problem that seems very simple on the surface, but needs
some thought put into it. And then some work. Other thoughts would be

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