[OPEN-ILS-DEV] [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Issue with OPAC display on Firefox

Jason Etheridge jason at esilibrary.com
Mon Sep 27 11:59:51 EDT 2010

> I'm reviving this thread, because there has been a recent uptick of these
> complaints from PINES library patrons and staff as well.  We're running
> Evergreen  We have not been able to investigate this closely
> because reports we've gotten are not detailed enough for viewing logs
> usefully.

I've been seeing this, and the fact that it's happening to you on 1.4 makes
me think it's something different about newer Firefoxes and xulrunners.

I'm using trunk for this run-through.

For the OPAC, I inevitably hit this error (and I'm cross-posting to the dev
list for this):
Error: G.ui.common.now_searching is undefined
Source File:
Line: 54

But I think that's a symptom and not a cause.

If I add debug statements to skin/default/xml/index.xml like so:
<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>

         <script>dump('index.xml 1\n');</script>
   <!--#include virtual="header.xml"-->

         <script>dump('index.xml 2\n');</script>
   <!--#if expr="$OILS_PAGE='index.xml'"-->

         <script>dump('index.xml 3\n');</script>
       <!--#include virtual="home/index_body.xml"-->

         <script>dump('index.xml 4\n');</script>

         <script>dump('index.xml 5\n');</script>
       <!--#include virtual="body.xml"-->

         <script>dump('index.xml 6\n');</script>

         <script>dump('index.xml 7\n');</script>

and I get the stall on a search result screen, we don't see "index.xml 2"
printed.  It gets stuck on the header.xml

If I add debug statements to header.xml like so:

 <script>dump('header.xml 1\n');</script>
   <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1"></meta>

 <script>dump('header.xml 2\n');</script>
   <!-- Set the page title -->

   <!--#include virtual="common/css_common.xml"-->

 <script>dump('header.xml 3\n');</script>

   <title>&<!--#echo var="OILS_TITLE"-->;</title>

 <script>dump('header.xml 4\n');</script>
   <link rel="unapi-server" type="application/xml" title="unAPI"
href="http://<!--#echo var='HTTP_HOST'-->/opac/extras/unapi"/>

 <script>dump('header.xml 5\n');</script>
       <link rel="icon" type="image/ico" href="/favicon.ico"/>

 <script>dump('header.xml 6\n');</script>

   <!--#if expr="$slimpac!='true'"-->

 <script>dump('header.xml 7\n');</script>
       <!--#include virtual="common/js_common.xml"-->

 <script>dump('header.xml 8\n');</script>

 <script>dump('header.xml 9\n');</script>


Now it stops with "header.xml 7" being the last thing printed, so we know
it's dying in common/js_common.xml.  I'll spare the lists what it looks like
when I add debug statements to that file, but it looks like things die
somwhere here:

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        dojo.require("openils.widget.FacetSidebar"); // pulls in Searcher
and I18N

But here's the kicker, if I put in debug statements like so:

        dojo.require("openils.widget.FacetSidebar"); // pulls in Searcher
and I18N
        dump('js_common.xml 22i\n');
<script>dump('js_common.xml 23\n');</script>

The 22i prints, but the 23 does not.  There's nothing between those
statements that can "die".

Hrmm, but I'm wrong.  I remember now.  After 22i, the init() function
defined by init.js fires, and it dies within the error pasted earlier.
 However, if I wrap the contents of init() within a try {} catch() {}, and
handle the error, the debug line for 23 still does not print.  Execution
effectively stops there.

At this point I'm out of my depth and need help.

Jason Etheridge
 | VP, Tactical Development
 | Equinox Software, Inc. / Your Library's Guide to Open Source
 | phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
 | email:  jason at esilibrary.com
 | web:  http://www.esilibrary.com
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