[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Website Redesign Patch

Dan Scott dan at coffeecode.net
Sat Apr 9 07:20:57 EDT 2011

On 8 April 2011 21:46, Atre, Anoop S <anoop.atre at mnsu.edu> wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who responded here and on the IRC, I have incorporated 99% of the suggestions and here is the updated patch. I also found some errors that I had made and others that were pointed out to me so those have now been fixed. I'm sure other errors will come to light once this is applied and more folks start using the site (hopefully not too many).

Thanks Anoop! I have committed the changes to the Subversion
repository (in two commits, as I missed a large set of the new files
in the first commit).

However, when I went to push those changes live (on the road, early in
the morning - terrible timing on my part), I discovered that the
version of PHP on open-ils.org hates your code; not your fault,
undoubtedly, it's probably just a much older version of PHP than you
would expect. I had to checkout a previous version of
evergreen-ils.org (r1319) and revert to that, which is why your
changes aren't visible. I'm thankful that we have version control for
the web site; hopefully no regressions have slipped in.

I'll have more time to look at this on Sunday or Monday. Almost there.


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