[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Packaging

Ben Webb bjwebb67 at googlemail.com
Sun Aug 7 20:37:28 EDT 2011

This past week I've been working on starting to get some of
Evergreen's missing dependencies into Debian sid. I have one package
already sitting in the repository, with two more that have been
accepted and should follow soon[1].  Others are waiting for further
review, or for their dependencies to enter sid. The biggest problems
at the moment are Javascript::Spidermonkey and
Class::DBI::Frozen::301. The latter is difficult to argue for
inclusion, since by its nature its a rather out of date version of an
existing package. Similarly Javascript::Spidermonkey only works with
spidermonkey versions 1.7.0 and lower, which is much older than the
current debian versions.

I am also now building git based fedora packages[2], although I'm
still working out a few hiccoughs of integrating this into my existing
git build script.

I've had some issues with the generation and running of boxgrinder's
virtual machine images, most of which I think boil down to usage of
system resources. I decided against my orignal plan of launching a
full visualised graphical environment, and focussed on automatically
installing and launching the evergreen server. An example image can be
found at [2].
I'm currently launching this with
  qemu-kvm -redir tcp:22001::22 -redir tcp:80::80 -redir tcp:443::443 \
    -hda f15-evergreen-sda.raw -m 1500 -vga std -enable-kvm
This forwards ssh to 22001 on the hosts, and also forwards ports 80
and 443. Thus, the browser or staff client can be launched on the host
and pointed at localhost.

I'm currently working on automated testing of the virtual machine
image. I'm using expect[4] on the host to interact with the virtual
machine via ssh, and launch a perl based test script.


[1] http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=bjwebb67@googlemail.com
[2] https://build.opensuse.org/project/show?project=home%3Abjwebb%3Aevergreen-git
[3] http://evergreen-ils.org/~bjwebb/f15-evergreen-sda.raw.gz
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expect

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