[OPEN-ILS-DEV] 2.1 Status and Blocking Bugs Request

James Fournie jfournie at sitka.bclibraries.ca
Tue Aug 30 17:28:49 EDT 2011

Hi there, I think the following bugs should be considered blocking as
they directly affect transfering,displaying and utilizing of currency
in Acq and could cause piles of money to end up in the wrong places in
the case of 800478, or just a great deal of confusion in the case of


I have attempted to push along 800477, but I am stuck because it
appears there are a number of faulty database views and I don't really
have a good sense of the original intent of the various views for acq.

~James Fournie
BC Sitka

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Peters, Michael
<MRPeters at library.in.gov> wrote:
> I couldn't have said it any better than Kathy did.  I'm very fearful of rushing out new releases (and thus new bugs!) when there are showstopper issues like this that will just get pushed further and further down in the bug queue.
> Sincerely,
> Michael Peters
> Indiana State Library MIS | Inspire.IN.gov Helpdesk | Evergreen Indiana Helpdesk
> office - 317.234.2128
> email - mrpeters at library.in.gov
> -----Original Message-----
> From: open-ils-dev-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org [mailto:open-ils-dev-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf Of Kathy Lussier
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 2:57 PM
> To: 'Evergreen Development Discussion List'
> Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] 2.1 Status and Blocking Bugs Request
> I don't feel like I'm in a position to say these bugs are a show stopper
> since the MassLNC consortia do not currently have any libraries using EDI in
> Evergreen. However, C/W MARS is planning to go live in the fall with a
> number of libraries that will be expecting to use EDI. It looks like these
> bugs could be a serious impediment to using EDI. I don't know that they
> should block the release of 2.1, but I'm a little concerned they may
> languish in the bug queue and not receive any attention for future updates
> to 2.1.
> Thanks,
> Kathy Lussier
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Kathy Lussier
> Project Coordinator
> Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
> (508) 756-0172
> (508) 755-3721 (fax)
> klussier at masslnc.org
> IM: kmlussier (AOL & Yahoo)
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: open-ils-dev-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org
>> [mailto:open-ils-dev-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org] On
>> Behalf Of Thomas Berezansky
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 1:06 PM
>> To: Evergreen Development Discussion
>> Subject: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] 2.1 Status and Blocking Bugs Request
>> During the developer meeting today 2.1's status was
>> discussed. The following is what came of it:
>> Mike Rylander is working on a few last-minute fixes, as well
>> as creating launchpad bugs for tracking them.
>> EDI was discussed in that it has known issues with a lot of
>> real-world data. See bugs:
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/817653
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/812593
>> We did not come to a consensus on whether or not these issues
>> should be blocking the release of 2.1, and opted to push that
>> question to the dev list.
>> Should these issues be considered blocking for 2.1's release?
>> In addition, are there any other outstanding issues that
>> anyone feels should be blocking 2.1?
>> Outside of that, the upgrade script will need a final review,
>> after which it appears we would like to officially release
>> 2.1.0, rather than another release candidate.
>> Thomas Berezansky
>> Merrimack Valley Library Consortium

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