[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Acquisitions - My Selection Lists

James Fournie jfournie at sitka.bclibraries.ca
Mon Dec 5 15:29:09 EST 2011

Hi George --

It's definitely possible but not terribly intuitive.  The "My Selection
Lists" is just a variant of the "General Search", so you can just "Show
Search Form" in the "My Selection Lists" and adjust the search to something
that retrieves the other person's lists, assuming you have the correct

If you wanted to change the default settings, look at
Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/search/unified.js, specifically this bit:

        "pl": {
            "search_object": {
                "acqpl": [
                    {"owner": openils.User.user.usrname()}
            "result_type": "picklist",
            "conjunction": "and",
            "order_by": [
                {"class": "acqpl", "field": "edit_time", "direction":

You can change that "owner":openils.User.user.usrname() to
"org_unit":openils.User.user.ws_ou() to show all picklists at the local
workstation.   Or something like that to taste.

When adding items from say the Z39.50 search, I think it will autocomplete
any picklist you have permission to add to.

BC Sitka

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 7:59 AM, Duimovich, George <
George.Duimovich at nrcan-rncan.gc.ca> wrote:

> **
> EG 2.1.1
> Anybody manage to get My Selection Lists to display the selection lists
> from other users?  It would seem that the label might imply that the lists
> only display the selection lists of the logged in user,  but I would expect
> that you should somehow be able to view selection lists from other users
> but I can't seem to get that working.
> And looking at the SQL in the logs, it seems to confirm that selection
> lists are hardwired for the logged in user making the request only.  So our
> user perms are set to allow creation and viewing of selection lists (e.g.
> VIEW_PICKLIST, CREATE_PICKLIST etc.), but in our shop (and I would think
> more commonly) staff would want to work on selection lists
> collaboratively.  Is this supported?
> Another similar usage scenario is someone creates a selection list, but
> another staff person from maybe a different home org unit (but with
> multi-location perms), will be reviewing, acquiring and possibly
> cataloguing the items created in the selection list(s) created by someone
> else.  Anybody working with these scenarios?
> Thanks,
> George
> George Duimovich
> NRCan Library / Bibliothèque de RNCan
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