[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Upgrade to 2.2-alpha1

Martha Driscoll driscoll at noblenet.org
Tue Nov 22 15:50:36 EST 2011

I am attempting to upgrade a 2.1.0 system (debian-squeeze) to 
2.2-alpha1.  This system went through a few release candidates before 
going to 2.1.0.  I am running into problems with the upgrade script 

First problem:
2.1-2.2-alpha1.sql:3: ERROR:  column "applied_to" of relation 
"upgrade_log" does not exist
LINE 1: INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES ...

I removed the applied_to column since it does not exist in the database:

--INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version, applied_to) VALUES 
INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('2.2-alpha1');

I also had to comment out these drop functions that are part of 0526 
since I don't have the column and functions mentioned:
-- DROP objects that might have existed from a prior run of 0526
--ALTER TABLE config.upgrade_log DROP COLUMN applied_to;
--DROP FUNCTION evergreen.upgrade_list_applied_deprecates(TEXT);
--DROP FUNCTION evergreen.upgrade_list_applied_supersedes(TEXT);

I'm not sure if previous upgrades already removed those, but commenting 
out the lines enabled the script to continue.

My next problem is with the part of the script that is applying 0640.

I'm getting this error:

psql:Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/2.1-2.2-alpha1.sql:5622: ERROR:  cannot ALTER 
TABLE "control_set_authority_field" because it has pending trigger events

I'm not sure what to do here. Any suggestions?

I also ran into the problem with SimpleServer 1.15 not finding 
yaz/facet.h but fixed that as per Dan's fix to Makefile.install.  Hurray 
for chat logs!

Martha Driscoll
Systems Manager
North of Boston Library Exchange
Danvers, Massachusetts

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