[OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** Trouble with Installation

Jeff Fox JFox at museumofflight.org
Wed Mar 13 19:34:20 EDT 2013

I am trying to install Evergreen on Ubuntu-Precise and having trouble with PostgreSQL. I could not connect using the Windows client, I kept getting "There was an error testing this hostname". When I added the SSL exception I got "200: OK, 404: Not found".

I ran settings-tester.pl, the output follows:

librarian at evergrnsrv:~/Evergreen-ILS-2.3.3$ sudo Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/settings-tester.pl


ok 1 - use OpenSRF::Utils::Config;

ok 2 - use UNIVERSAL::require;

ok 3 - use Getopt::Long;

ok 4 - use MARC::Record;

ok 5 - use Net::Domain;

ok 6 - use Locale::Maketext::Lexicon;

ok 7 - use Template::Plugin::POSIX;

LWP::UserAgent version 6.03

XML::LibXML version 1.89

XML::LibXML::XPathContext version 1.89

XML::LibXSLT version 1.75

Net::Server::PreFork version 0.99

Cache::Memcached version 1.29

Class::DBI version 3.0.17

Class::DBI::AbstractSearch version 0.07

Template version 2.22

DBD::Pg version 2.19.0

Net::Z3950::ZOOM version 1.26

MARC::Record version 2.0.5

MARC::Charset version 1.33

MARC::File::XML version 1.0.1

Text::Aspell version 0.09

CGI version 3.52

DateTime::TimeZone version 1.42

DateTime version 0.70

DateTime::Format::ISO8601 version 0.07

DateTime::Format::Mail version 0.3001

Unix::Syslog version 1.1

GD::Graph3d version 0.63

JavaScript::SpiderMonkey version 0.21

Log::Log4perl version 1.29

Email::Send version 2.198

Text::CSV version 1.21

Text::CSV_XS version 0.85

Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big version 2.37

Tie::IxHash version 1.21

Parse::RecDescent version 1.965001

SRU version 0.99

JSON::XS version 2.33

UUID::Tiny version 1.03

Business::CreditCard::Object version 1.00

Net::Z3950::Simple2ZOOM version 1.04

Checking /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml for Evergreen services:

* OK: Found a public Evergreen service in /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml

Checking Jabber connection for user opensrf, domain private.localhost

* Jabber successfully connected

Checking Jabber connection for user opensrf, domain public.localhost

* Jabber successfully connected

Checking Jabber connection for user router, domain public.localhost

* Jabber successfully connected

Checking Jabber connection for user router, domain private.localhost

* Jabber successfully connected

Checking database connections

* /opensrf/default/reporter/setup :: Successfully connected to database dbi:Pg:dbname=mofevergreen;host=localhost;port=5432

  * Database has the expected server encoding UTF8.

* /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.storage/app_settings/databases :: Successfully connected to database dbi:Pg:dbname=mofevergreen;host=localhost;port=5432

  * Database has the expected server encoding UTF8.

* /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.cstore/app_settings :: Successfully connected to database dbi:Pg:dbname=mofevergreen;host=localhost;port=5432

  * Database has the expected server encoding UTF8.

* /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.pcrud/app_settings :: Successfully connected to database dbi:Pg:dbname=mofevergreen;host=localhost;port=5432

  * Database has the expected server encoding UTF8.

* /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.reporter-store/app_settings :: Successfully connected to database dbi:Pg:dbname=mofevergreen;host=localhost;port=5432

  * Database has the expected server encoding UTF8.

Checking database drivers to ensure <driver> matches <language>

* OK SIP from telephony section.

* OK SIP from telephony section.

* OK: Pg language is undefined for reporter base configuration

* OK: Pg language is undefined for reporter base configuration

* OK: Pg language is perl in /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.storage/language

* OK: pgsql language is C in /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.cstore/language

* OK: pgsql language is C in /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.pcrud/language

* OK: pgsql language is C in /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.qstore/language

* OK: pgsql language is C in /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.reporter-store/language

Checking postgresql version

psql (PostgreSQL) 9.1.8

contains support for command-line editing

Checking libdbi and libdbi-drivers

libdbdpgsql.so was not found in /usr/local/libdbi/dbd/

  We have found that system packages don't link against libdbi.so;

  therefore, we strongly recommend compiling libdbi and libdbi-drivers from source.

Checking hostname

* OK: found hostname 'localhost' in <hosts> section of opensrf.xml

librarian at evergrnsrv:~/Evergreen-ILS-2.3.3$

I presume the highlighted section is the issue. Any help would be appreciated.

[cid:image001.gif at 01CE2007.B8CF5B20]
Jeffrey Fox | IT Application & DB Specialist
The Museum of Flight
9404 East Marginal Way South; Seattle, WA 98108
p. 206.768.7213 | f. 206.764.5707
jfox at museumofflight.org

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