Rod Schiffman rod at alphagconsulting.com
Tue Jun 9 12:03:37 EDT 2009

My name is Rod Schiffman. I work with Alpha-G consulting. Since my job is
not to pimp my company, I'll just say we work with Equinox and support
Evergreen software. I'm new to the whole world of Library Systems, except as
an end user. My background was in Business Transformatin Consulting for a
large IT company. Apparently doing consulting work for banks in Europe can
be hazardous to your job security. After two banks were nationalized and the
third one received a 50 billion pound bailout, I no longer needed to take
monthly trips to Amsterdam.

I realize my background usually only makes me competent to update and change
PowerPoint presentations, but I actually have written a lot of large
technical reports and papers. I suspect that, in many cases, only the
person responsible to approve the payment "read" it. That person probably
did little more than check the heft and verify the table of contents looked
in order.

I have done work for the Insurance, health care, public utility, auto,
banking and cell phone industries. I've worked with Government agencies and
the military. Each one of them has a unique ecosystem and culture. I look
forward to learning this one. I find that I can no longer hold everything in
my head, so I find myself writing personal documentation as I do things.
Hopefully, I can extend my writing to helping on this project. Even in large
industries existing document can be dreadful, but with open source projects,
documentation rarely seems to be better than deplorable or non-existent. It
will be good to try to fix that problem with Evergreen. I look forward to
being part of the solution.

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.

--Rod Schiffman
Alpha-G Consulting
801-671-1332 - mobile
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