Karen Schneider kgs at esilibrary.com
Tue Jun 9 15:42:34 EDT 2009

Hi, I'm Karen Schneider, Community Librarian at Equinox Software, Inc.
I've been in this position for about a year, and in previous
incarnations in LibraryLand have worked in a number of settings and

It's exciting to be part of the launch of the Evergreen Documentation
Interest Group. This activity is not just a process for addressing a
"growing edge" of Evergreen software common to many open source
projects, but it is also part of the maturational process of
Evergreen's growing community.

I follow a number of open source documentation projects, and what the
better ones have in common is a sense of purpose, a strong,
clearly-defined process, and regular communication. You could say that
the documentation projects are the "populist" communities for their
respective software projects -- it's the part of the FOSS project
where many different people can participate at various levels (writer,
editor, tester, copy-editor CSS designer, XML jockey, project
management, etc.).

At the May 20 meeting there were several comments made about the
desirability of being able to comment on documentation (see the
PostgreSQL documentation -- a DocBook project -- for an example:
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/intro-whatis.html ) I
think this is kind of functionality is crucial to build into the
Evergreen documentation process, because everyone who comments is then
a project participant!

Anyway, happy to see the DIG establishing and moving forward -- not
only for its own sake, but because this is a really important "tree
ring" for Evergreen as a project.

See you tomorrow!

| Karen G. Schneider
| Community Librarian
| Equinox Software Inc. "The Evergreen Experts"
| Toll-free: 1.877.Open.ILS (1.877.673.6457) x712
| kgs at esilibrary.com
| Web: http://www.esilibrary.com

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