No subject

Thu May 28 17:10:26 EDT 2009

a difference among releases (because 1.4 does indeed have record
upload/download capability). Can you point us to the documents you're

While it is true there is a demo/dev server question, another point is
that when you're evaluating documentation, a key question to keep
asking (and asking... :) )  is "what release if any is this written
for." (The concept of tagging documentation to releases is something
we'll need to wrap our heads around -- there's some very good tips and
tools out there but very little of it explicitly states its
relationship to Evergreen versions.)

Another tip I have for anyone assessing current documentation is to
become at least a little familiar with the current releases. 1.4 staff
clients are available for download and you can point them at the server. See:

That may be the best gap analysis tool -- get familiar with 1.4. As
noted earlier, dev is dev, without anything disabled, and with a full
admin login you should be able to see everything!

| Karen G. Schneider
| Community Librarian
| Equinox Software Inc. "The Evergreen Experts"
| Toll-free: 1.877.Open.ILS (1.877.673.6457) x712
| kgs at
| Web:

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