[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] For Discussion: DocBook Training

Karen Collier kcollier at kent.lib.md.us
Thu Oct 8 12:11:30 EDT 2009

Hello again,

Remember I listed some proposed topics for the next meeting and said I'd open them up ahead of time for your consideration and early discussion?  Here's one.  But before you read on, don't forget to send in your preferences for the next meeting date and time.  http://www.doodle.com/9xi57vv8nddt85nn  We've had 7 people submit their preferences so far, but I know there are a lot more of you out there.  :)

Since we've decided XML based DocBook 5 is our format of choice for documentation, it makes sense for us to get as many people trained in producing and editing DocBook documentation as are willing to learn.  

As I understand it, Karen S and Shannon initially volunteered to participate in this training effort, though Karen S will no longer be able to.  So, I'm wondering who else feels they may be able and willing to participate in the DocBook training effort, whether in a Webinar training setting, by creating some annotated examples, by mentoring one or more individuals, or some other way I haven't thought of?  (please feel free to reply directly to the list, contact Shannon and me through docs at evergreen-ils.org, or feel free to speak up at the meeting)

Next, some questions for those who want to learn DocBook.  Which of the following would you personally find helpful?  (Again, reply to this email or write to open-ils-documentation at list.georgialibraries.org to contact the list, docs at evergreen-ils.org to contact Shannon and me, or speak up at the meeting.)

1 - Training in Oxygen XML Editor (software available to nonprofits for $64/user, among other price options)
2 - Training in XMLMind (a WYSIWYG editor, free of charge)
3 - Training in another DocBook editor (Which do you have in mind?)
4 - Training in the tags and structure of docbook, independent of the specific tools
5 - Give me some examples of the basics with some explanation; I'll pick it up.
6 - Just point me to the information and I'll teach myself.
7 - I would appreciate being assigned a mentor who could help me figure this out.
8 - Other (What do you have in mind?)

Some questions for those not interested in learning DocBook.  Do you mind sharing why - too intimidating? no time? plan to be involved in testing or some other aspect that doesn't require it? some other reason?  Secondly, if not directly in DocBook what format(s) would you be willing to produce documentation in?

Any additional thoughts about DocBook training?


Karen Collier
Public Services Librarian
Kent County Public Library
408 High Street
Chestertown, MD 21620

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