[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] Organizing Documentation, Learning DocBook, 1.6 Docs

sarahc at zionsville.lib.in.us sarahc at zionsville.lib.in.us
Wed Oct 21 17:02:50 EDT 2009

I would be willing to help with planning how the staff user
documentation should be organized.

I also wanted to say that Indiana has moved to 1.6, and I've been working
on our local cataloging documentation. I've done the chapter on Z39.50
(chapter 12), which is posted to the Indiana State Library website, so if
anyone wants to take a look, I'd welcome feedback. It's linked on the
documentation scan page in the DIG wiki. I expect to get most of our
cataloging manual updated in the next month.

When I talked about doing cataloging documentation for 1.6, Karen
Schneider suggested I just keep doing these in Word and we'd have someone
convert it to DocBook. I could take the Word file I have and generalize it
so that it's not so Indiana specific, or that could be done when it's
converted to DocBook.

I haven't used DocBook before, and I don't currently have any software for
it. I'd be willing to learn it, but frankly I don't really have time right
now. I do think if someone got basic template documents set up, I could
probably write documentation in DocBook. I can code in HTML, so I don't
think it would be too much of a learning curve.

Finally, when I have questions about the new features I'm trying to
document, where should I direct those?  For instance, what's the purpose
of this query function in Record Buckets? I've played around with it a
little, but I haven't thought of a way it would be useful to me
personally. I'm assuming someone must have wanted it to be written, so
they must have had a purpose in mind.


Sarah Childs
Senior Cataloger
Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library
Zionsville, Indiana
317-873-3149 ext. 13330

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