Dan Scott dan at coffeecode.net
Wed Dec 14 11:59:28 EST 2011

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 11:24:20AM -0500, Jason Etheridge wrote:
> I neglected to mention this before, but shortly after we mentioned it
> during the last meeting, folks here updated the docs pages on the
> Equinox website.
> The docs live here: http://www.esilibrary.com/esi/availableDocs.php
> For a specific example, see the bottom of
> http://www.esilibrary.com/esi/docs/?p=3D771

Thanks, Jason; I'm going to CC this to the SFC to ask whether that
(documentation licensed under the CC-BY-NC-SA but with an explicit
exception granting the Evergreen project's Documentation Interest Group
(DIG) a license under the CC-BY-SA) looks okay from their perspective.

My primary concern is that that "Documentation Interest Group (DIG) for
the Evergreen Project" might not have any status as a legal entity and
therefore a license granted to it might be meaningless. Arguably, it's
the SFC as the umbrella non-profit organization for the Evergreen
project that has legal standing, so it might be the case that the
exception needs to be granted to the SFC.

If, however, the DIG can be the recipient of a license exception, then
given that the DIG membership is consituted of anyone who adds
themselves to
in theory anyone could add themselves to that list and apply the
CC-BY-SA license.

> So DIG should feel free to use such documents with their normal
> CC-BY-SA license (with all that implies).

Well, since neither you nor I are lawyers and what we say should not be
considered to constitute legal advice, I would personally suggest that
the DIG hold off on redistributing any relicensed documentation derived from
Equinox's primarily CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 licensed documentaiton until we hear
back from the SFC (as they do employ a lawyer). 

That said, I know Robert has already issued a draft of documentation
that incorporates the ESI-derived documentation; even so, my previously
noted concerns stand.

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