[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] DIG Meeting Follow Up- Compatibility List

Rayner, June raynerj at einetwork.net
Mon Apr 9 12:23:18 EDT 2012

Hi Folks

This is follow up from Thursday's DIG meeting agenda item I under Old Business - the Compatibility List.

-          There is an existing list that is posted at http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=faqs:evergreen_compatible_products_results_survey.    This survey is now almost two years old and hasn't been updated.

-           Jason Etheridge has proposed an update survey in this email  http://georgialibraries.markmail.org/thread/vd5nfg75fiyeu22o

At last week's meeting, we were trying to come up with some ideas for the following things related to this survey.       So, as we discussed at the meeting, I'm listing some ideas that we could discuss further.   Can anyone else add to this list?    I'm also sending this to the Web Team folks because there are potential changes to the web site as well.

1.       Where could a new survey be posted on the web site?

a.       Main Menu Option for "Contribute," add a link for "Tell us about your Evergreen Installation."

b.      Main Menu Option for "Communicate," add a link for "Surveys".   We might have other survey that someone wants to do.

c.       On the "Evergreen Libraries" page listed under "Quick Links."

2.       How to publicize and promote the survey

a.       Periodically feature a link to the survey on the Evergreen home page

b.      Look for opportunities to get vendors to help promote the survey.   After all, they would have an incentive to let people know that their product works with Evergreen.

3.       Guidelines on what type of information to collect

a.       Hardware devices being used on computers running Evergreen: i.e. scanners, printers, digital signature pads, RFID, selfcheck

b.      Software that communicates directly with Evergreen:  enhanced catalog content, collection agencies, computer reservations

c.       The Evergreen Version that is being used with the product

d.      The version/model of the product that is being used with Evergreen

e.      Any special cautions or notes

4.       Who can take review the survey information and update the compatibility list on an ongoing basis.

a.       New DIG coordinator for compatibility?

b.      Roll this in with another coordinator (System Admin)?

c.       How much of the survey reporting can be automated?

June Rayner
ILS Application Team
(412) 622-1941
raynerj at einetwork.net

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