[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] Auto Suggest in Catalog Search documentation

Dan Scott dan at coffeecode.net
Sat May 12 13:34:07 EDT 2012

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 08:51:58AM -0400, Soulliere, Robert wrote:
> Hi,
> I was attempting to turn on the new TPAC search box auto suggest
> feature on a test server, but was unable to find the documentation.
> The release notes indicate that this feature is documented in the
> official documentation.
> Release notes say:
> "This feature is not turned on by default. You must turn it on in the Admin module."

(As an aside, the feature _is_ turned on by default, in my experience.)

My preference would be to avoid making any references from the Release
Notes to the more complete documentation until such time as that
documentation actually exists in the official Evergreen docs. We can
always go back and add links from the Release Notes to the complete
documentation as the features get full documentation.

As I was adding Kathy's contributions to the release notes, I noticed
that she had followed Sally's lead in pointing at the official docs.
I like the idea of leading readers to more complete docs, but made a
mental note that the repetition of that phrase and the lack of any
specific link was distracting, and thought we should discuss that later
(hi!). Also, I don't think "The Book of Evergreen" has been the title
for years :)

I wondered whether we could use a shorter phrase and/or a special icon
(along the lines of admonitions?) that linked directly to the pertinent
section of the docs.  Processing the release notes in and of themselves
might lead to warnings about links to missing sections (although maybe
there are ways around that with IFDEFs), but when the release notes are
processed with the official docs, then the link could take the reader
directly to the right area, rather than:

1. taking them back to the docs.evergreen-ils.org page
2. choosing a format
3. scan the table of contents or index or search for the corresponding 

As a reminder, the link syntax is basically:

<<anchor_in_a_document,Complete documentation>>

where "Complete documentation" would be the text of a link that leads to
the matching anchor somewhere else in the document:


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