[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] Reminder: sign up to work on EG 2.6 Documentation To Dos

Yamil Suarez ysuarez at berklee.edu
Mon Apr 14 11:48:18 EDT 2014


This is just a reminder for DIG members to sign up in pairs (or more) to work on EG 2.6 Documentation To Dos as discussed in the April DIG meeting.[1][2] Again, the plan is to finish with the 2.6 to dos before the 2.7 release. Though we think by May we might be completely done with 2.6. We recommend that people work in pairs so we veteran DIG members can mentor newer members. 

This is the 2.6 to do list:

To add yourself to a new 2.6 feature you need wiki access, which I can provide or email me so I can add your name.

Thanks and let me know if I got something wrong in this reminder,

[1] April meeting (Meetbot) minutes

[2] April meeting IRC log

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