[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] Web staff client docs: Bill's suggested approach

Remington Steed rjs7 at calvin.edu
Wed Jul 9 10:39:13 EDT 2014


Below is what Bill suggested on IRC about how we should document the upcoming web staff client.  We could start with basic stuff as he suggests, which would make sense for introducing general features of the web interface (see Using the Staff Client<http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/2.6/_using_the_staff_client.html>).

As he also mentions, the web interfaces will mostly mimic the old interfaces.  So we could just try updating the circ "Check Out" document for the new web interface (as it exists right now), and see how it goes.  Thoughts?  Volunteers?

<berick> remingtron: this is the best general source -> http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:browser_staff:dev_sprints:1 -- however, given that none of these have been thorougly tested, "stable" is a relative term
<berick> anything marked through is feature complete within the realm of the current "sprint" -- that is, there are missing features, but they will be done later
<berick> documenting basic stuff, like login, the splash page, the nav bar, etc. is a good start.  then moving on to simpler interfaces -- ones that are less likely to change -- is a good next step
<berick> having said that, though, I have a hard time thinking of these UIs will change *drastically* regardless of bugs or missing features
<berick> since they all mimic the XUL client very closely

Remington Steed
Electronic Resources Specialist
Hekman Library, Calvin College

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