[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] JPG renamed to jpg patch

Josh Stompro stomproj at exchange.larl.org
Fri Sep 12 17:04:31 EDT 2014

Hello, I was having trouble building the epub version of the docs since it would error out for every image it couldn't find.  The problem was that the images were referenced as ".jpg" files but the filenames ended with ".JPG".  I'm building on linux which is case sensitive, if that command is run on windows it probably works fine since windows doesn't care about case.

Remington Steed sent commit 9c96410715c779ac70d7c76ea9af1ddf6f96e5c7 on Sept 4th with similar fixes.

Please take a look at my commit to fix the others I found.

After this change, there are only a handful of files that end in .JPG, what if we just standardized on lowercase file extensions, I would be happy to fix the references for the files that are left and then rename them.

*         Org_Unit_Prox_Adj1.PNG

*         Org_Unit_Prox_Adj2.PNG

*         Billed_Transaction_Color.JPG

*         custom_hold_pickup_location1.JPG

*         custom_hold_pickup_location2.JPG

*         long_overdue1.JPG

*         long_overdue2.JPG

*         marc_import_remove_fields1.JPG

*         marc_import_remove_fields2.JPG

*         marc_import_remove_fields3.JPG

*         marc_import_remove_fields5.JPG

*         my_list_call_numbers.JPG

*         patron_self_registration2.JPG

*         storing_z3950_credentials.JPG

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