[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] Tools for editing/previewing AsciiDoc

Remington Steed rjs7 at calvin.edu
Tue Dec 13 14:53:52 EST 2016

Hi DIG folks,

I have discovered some helpful AsciiDoc tools and have added them to the main DIG wiki page.  But I have no idea how often that page is visited, so I wanted to share them here, and you can add them to your favorite wiki pages.  Feel free to add your favorite editing tool, or create a whole page for AsciiDoc tools!

AsciiDoc Editing Tools

  *   Edit and preview in a web browser<https://asciidoclive.com/>
  *   List of editors, browser plugins, and other things<http://asciidoctor.org/docs/editing-asciidoc-with-live-preview/>

Remington Steed
Electronic Resources Specialist
Hekman Library, Calvin College

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