[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] Web Client Bar for Actions and Column Picker

Galen Charlton gmc at equinoxinitiative.org
Mon Mar 26 15:02:42 EDT 2018


On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 2:33 PM, Jennifer Pringle
<jennifer.pringle at bc.libraries.coop> wrote:
> Has anyone come up with a name for the bar in the web client that contains
> the actions menu, column picker, and paging buttons?  I skimmed the official
> 3.0 docs but I didn't see it referred to as a whole anywhere.
> I'd like to make sure what we call it in our local resources matches what
> ends up in the official docs.
> So far I'm leaning towards Configuration Bar.  Anyone have other
> suggestions?

As far as the code is concerned, there are some internal names in use
that may be useful for setting on a name for use by the documentation.
The copy tag interface (/eg/staff/admin/local/asset/copy_tag) is what
I'm using as an example since the grid there uses all of the UI
widgets I'm about to refer to.

Going by CSS class names in particular:

* The button(s) on the left ("New Record") in this example are "grid
menu items".
* The set of of widgets that include the paging buttons the Actions
menu (if present) and column configuration drop-down is the "column
* The items in the Actions drop-down are "grid actions"
* The whole row, including grid menu item and the column picker is the
"action row".

I offer these in case they are helpful; I do /not/ suggest that the
documentation need to follow the CSS class names.


Galen Charlton
Infrastructure and Added Services Manager
Equinox Open Library Initiative
phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
email:  gmc at equinoxInitiative.org
web:  https://equinoxInitiative.org
direct: +1 770-709-5581
cell:   +1 404-984-4366

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