[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] SPAM: Some questons about Evergreen

Jennifer Lawley jennifer at wgrl.net
Fri May 4 16:59:09 EDT 2007

I have a feeling that eventually my preference (everyone else's issue) for
the empties being left in will be fixed when we have additional k record
templates added.  However, when we were still on WorkFlows, we had more
fields that showed up in the initial templates.  It would be nice if we
could have that same thing in Evergreen.  But that's rather more for
convenience sake than anything else and, again, a low priority when it comes
to my wish list for future enhancements of Evergreen.  :-)


Yes, fields are easy to add, but there comes a point where convenience
outweighs other issues, like when it comes to cataloging and time spent
using the software.


I also wish the Search button (F3) corresponded to OCLC Connexion's search
button (F2).  :-)






Jennifer L. Lawley, Catalog Librarian

West Georgia Regional Library (WGRL-HQ)

710 Rome Street

Carrollton, GA  30117

(770) 836-6711






From: open-ils-general-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org
[mailto:open-ils-general-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf Of
Hardy, Elaine
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 4:46 PM
To: f-mcnamara at uchicago.edu; open-ils-general at list.georgialibraries.org
Subject: RE: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] SPAM: Some questons about Evergreen


I'm also a cataloger with PINES and will attempt to answer some of your
questions (my answers are integrated in your message below, but in red). I
do disagree with Jen on something, so you will get a different perspective.







J. Elaine Hardy

Library Services Manager - Collections & Reference

Georgia Public Library Service,

A Unit of the University System of Georgia

1800 Century Place, Suite 150

Atlanta, Ga. 30345-4304


404.235-7201, fax


ehardy at georgialibraries.org




-----Original Message-----
From: open-ils-general-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org
[mailto:open-ils-general-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf Of
Frances McNamara
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 2:17 PM
To: open-ils-general at list.georgialibraries.org
Subject: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] SPAM: Some questons about Evergreen


We have put up the Gentoo image on VMware and are using it single user, 

via VNC.


I was able to go in and immediately Z39.50 to LC and OCLC (using our 

passwords) and to Import bib records.  I figured out how to Create some 

bib records.  I figured out how to create some items and check them in 

so they show up in the web catalog.  I figured out how to Edit a MARC 

record after it was added.  I added some books, sound recordings, 

scores, dvds and can see them in the pac.


I mostly did this without documentation, only using the help button in 

MARC Edit and create, so I have some questions about what I am seeing.  

If there is user doc I should look at, let me know.  I can see this 

works fine for some collections.  I purposely looked into some of the 

things important to a large academic like us.


There is a document, which is a work in progress and may not reflect some of
the latest updates at http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php This is,
however, specific to PINES cataloging policies and procedures.


1.  When I Import a MARC record there seems to be a capability to 

Overlay.  Is there any doc that describes how that works?  (actually a 

lot of our real work would require a loader for files of MARC records, 

but I would think that could be developed or the scripts to batchload 

initial loads could be adapted.  We do use such utilities a lot and they 

allow for some data modification during import including deleting or 

moving data and automatic creation of items.)


In order to overlay, you must first mark the record to be overlaid in the
local database using the actions for this record menu. After you identify
the correct record in z39.50, you select the "marc editor for overlay"
button. A MARC edit screen is displayed. After you make any desired edits,
click on the Overlay record button. You then see the record from your
database previously marked for overlay so that you can review and make sure
the correct record was marked. From here, you can either overlay or cancel.
If the wrong record is marked, you must cancel, then close the marc edit for
overlay screen, find the right record in your local database and then
proceed as above.


You can also merge records in your local system as well as move specific
items attached to incorrect records to the correct records. These are very
easy utilities in Evergreen. If the above document is clear on how to do
this, or if it is for an earlier version, let me know and I can walk you
through the process.



2.  When I Create a MARC record while typing in the 100 Author field it 

gave a message about how there was no authority record for that name.  

Are authority records used in this system?  If so, how do they get in 

there?  Can you Create MARC an Authority record as well as a bib 

record?  We actually send out bibs and load authority records.  Is that 

done in this system?  Are the cross references and see also references 

used in any way?  Seems like all the indexes are Keyword, so I'm not 

sure how references in authority records would be used.


There are several issues with the authority file and authorizing headings
that the development team is working on. At present, our AF is out of date.
You can not yet search the local AF or create records for it.  


3.  When I Create or Edit a MARC record, if I save it with empty 

variable fields they stay in the record.  That was disconcerting as most 

systems get rid of them on save.  Not a big deal, but you might want to 

fix.  I had a lot of difficulty editing the Fixed Field.  The 008 

displays as a labelled display at the top, and then as a plain field 

down in the variable fields.  When I did Ctrl/F8 as per Help it wouldn't 

let me edit in the labelled part.  It let me edit down in the 008 but I 

couldn't figure out how to edit it so it was correct.  I was unable to 

add Date1 and place of publication code to the 008 when I created a new 

bib.  Seemed like I should have been able to, so maybe I was doing it wrong.


This is where I disagree with Jennifer and agree with you. When the record
is saved, empty fields should be deleted to prevent them ending up in the
final record. I don't find it difficult at all to add a new field or


There are still a few issues with the fixed field, but are mainly display
for some formats. The labeled display can be directly edited without using
CTRL/F8. That command was added so that we could edit the field directly
rather than the labeled display. I have become so accustomed to OCLC
editing, that I use the labeled display rather than directly editing the LDR
or 008. When in the labeled display, if you click on the label, you can edit
the content. You can also double click on the content to edit. 


4.  When I create a MARC record, is there somewhere that data about when 

that bib was created, or changed or who did it is kept?  Systems do this 

in various ways.  In my current system there is also a "bib_status" and 

a "staff_only" flag.  We use those because we add and display bibs that 

are on order or in process but then we don't send them to set holdings 

in OCLC until they reach a "full cataloging" type of status.  We also 

export records for various reasons based on such a status.  Is there 

anything like that in Evergreen?


I believe the PINES cataloging Coordinator has mentioned to the Dev team
that we would like to see dates for when a record was brought in, created
and edited. You can see who did the work in the record summary. 


5.  After creating a MARC record I went to "Holdings maintenance" to add 

what I would call an item record.  I could add item or items and save 

them.  It seems like there is the idea of a "location" in the sense of a 

"Branch" that I had to choose before Creating the items.  But there does 

not seem to be an idea of a "collection".  So if in that branch they 

have a separate "Reference Collection"  Where do you put that 

information so the user knows to go to a special place, not the regular 

stacks to get the piece?


Most PINES libraries use location in coordination with call number prefixes
to indicate collections. As an example, STATELIB-L's location of OFFICE is
for desk copies located in individual's offices. These items don't
circulate, cant have holds placed on them and are invisible, or shadowed, in
the OPAC.


6.  When I create a single item it nicely grabs the Dewey and LC call 

numbers from the MARC bib and lets me choose one and "Apply" it so I 

don't have to retype it.  It defaults to the Dewey number.  Can I assume 

I could default to the LC number if I wanted to?  Or not pick up the 

Dewey number?


Yes - I'm fairly sure this is a configurable option, but one of the
developers could answer this more readily than I.


7.  When I created an item, for a single piece it was OK except that we 

mark each book "c.1" on the spine even if we only ever get one copy.  

It's not clear where that should go.  It is obviously much more 

important when you get to multiple volumes.  I created a record for a 2 

volume set.  There is nowhere to put the volume numbers except in the 

call number field after the call number.  I input a more complicated 

example by putting in PC world, a magazine, and making numerous items.  

So they have call numbers like   QA76.8.I26P3 c.1 v.22 (2004: 

Jan-Jun).   I put all that in the call number fields for v. 20-23.  When 

I looked at this in the pac the items did not sort in correct order even 

though I had put them in in order, which seems odd.  Also when there are 

multiple volumes with the same call number you get a separate listing 

for every single volume or copy in the Browse call number list.


Is anyone having problems with putting copy and volume information into 

the call number field?  Are there any plans to have separate fields for 

that type of information?  It might be needed.


We have asked for the sorting problem to be resolved. I don't use copy
numbers so I can't speak specifically to that issue. Currently, the only way
to indicate volumes and other part or issue information is in the call
number field. That is how PINES libraries indicate parts, vols, etc, so that
is how Evergreen was designed. I'm sure that there could be a change to that
part of the software for those libraries that would need a different method.


I have no problem entering volume info in the call number field. There is
that pesky display/sort issue, however.



Also, in a lot of systems between the bib record and the item records 

there is a layer of "copy" records.  This becomes important with Serials 

where there might be one copy in the main library and another in the law 

library.  The items get grouped together by the "copy".  They also get 

summary holdings based on that copy because eventually listing all the 

items isn't useful and you want to say v.20-25 instead.  We tend to have 

separate copies for the bound volumes which shelve in the stacks, as 

opposed to the unbound issues that shelve in the "Current periodicals" 

section.  Is there any plan to put a copy record between the bibs and 

items?  Or does such a copy record actually exist in the background 



Some of this is handled by having vols/items attached to different
libraries. So you would have vols/items attached to the main library and
then to the law library. Evergreen treats libraries as separate entities in
holdings maintenance. This would be similar using separate
locations/collections such as Stacks and current periodicals as well. Since
there is no serials module as yet, this may change for serials.


8.  When I create an item, the bib did not show up in the pac until I 

checked in that item.  We don't do that.  We have too much stuff going 

through, it just goes to the shelf, they cannot stop and check it in 

before doing that.  Is there an option to not have to check it in?  

Actually we have some items where we have a flag "staff only" so it 

won't display in the pac and we have some bibs with that sort of "staff 

only" flag too.  Is there anything besides the status of the item that 

controls that in Evergreen currently?


I thought in process items did display in the PAC, but I may be wrong. The
State Library has such a specialized collection that I don't use all the
features in any ILS, so someone else will have to speak to that. PINES
libraries use this function so that if a hold has been placed on the tem,
circ staff will be alerted and correctly route the item to the holds shelf.
It is likely to be a configurable feature, though, so that your library
could have the item marked directly as available.


9.  When creating items there is an option to print spine labels.  I 

looked at that briefly.  It seemed like it did not work well with LC 

call numbers.  Is there somewhere that you set up a bit of code to break 

up LC call numbers?  Also, can you edit directly into the little box 

that displays how the label will look?  I wasn't sure if I could do that.


Since the print function was designed for Dewey numbers, it probably doesn't
format LC call numbers correctly. PINES libraries don't use LCC and it has
been too long since I worked in a library that did for me to advise the guys
on how to format them. Again, something that could be added.


You can edit in the box that displays the call number. You can also change
the basic configuration of the label (number of lines, etc) as well.


Your last two questions are probably best answered by others. So I will
leave those. Please let me know if there are any other cataloging questions
I can answer for you, or if I have not fully or clearly answered those


10.  Is it true that there are only Keyword indexes.  Do people think 

there is a need for the type of Browse indexes in current library 

catalogs?  Usually that is where the cross references and see also 

references in authority records have been used.


11.  One other thing.  Of course we would assume we would need to 

contribute to development if we were thinking of trying to use this, but 

do you think this software could work for a database of 5.2 million bibs 

and 7 million items?


I'm sure we'll have other questions but as I start to look at this, I 

just want to make sure I am not missing some documentation or 

misunderstanding any of the basic functions.  Thanks.


Frances McNamara

University of Chicago Library

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